{21} "You're fucking soaked"

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Luna's POV

"Shit" I whimper as I open my legs wider for Cameron. Am I really just about to get fingered by Cameron again? But this time in a library? Yes. Yes I am.

"We can't do this here." I tried moving to get up but he holds me down. Fuck that was hot.

"You're going to sit here and be quiet for me." He whispers biting my ear again. I close my eyes and moan louder this time when he pushes my panties aside. Fuck me.

"God Luna, you're fucking soaked." He slips one finger inside of me and to that, I moan louder.

With my eyes still closed, I lean more to Cameron and cover my mouth with one of my hands as the other makes it's was to his thigh and I squeeze it.

"You're still as tight as the other night" he slowly slides his finger in and out of me.

"Mhm..." is the only thing I can form out right now. No words.

I can hear how wet my pussy is from how quiet the library is, let's just say Cameron for some fucking reason makes me really wet.

His finger thrusts inside me faster as my heavy moans fill the space around us. God I can't.

"Look at me" he orders. I shake my head no and he stops.

Right then I open my eyes and look at him, he gets up from his seat.

"Wait wait where are you going?" I say confused.

"Why would I let you cum on my fingers if you're not going to listen?" He pushes his chair in smirking.

"I'm sorr-" I try to answer but he cuts me off.

"Maybe next time princess" and he's gone. Not gone gone but he walks off. What the fuck?

I slump in my chair angry and uncomfortable. I really wanted to cum. It was a need. Wait. How does that feel anyways? Does it hurt? When I tell you I'm not experienced with these things, I mean it.

After sitting in discomfort for about five minutes, I huff and pack up my stuff to leave. I can't believe he did this. AGAIN.

When I grab all my things, I head out the library doors. I can't with Cameron. I need something. I need to finish.

I'll just go to the bar tonight with the girls. What can go wrong? I need to be more out there.

Actually, everything can go fucking wrong

Uh nuh uh I'll just have sex with someone. Not bad.

You haven't had sex with anyone.

I mean..technically I did.

Luna that does not count.

I mean it does but okay whatever you say.

I pull my phone out and call Stell.

"Hello?" She picks up on the first ring

"Hiiiii can you pick me up please I'm at the library"

"Uh yeah of course babe I'll be right there, Luke is with me though"

"Okay sounds good thank you" I smile.

"See you in a few"

"Okay bye!" I hang up the phone and wait. Okay I should've waited inside this is fucking embarrassing standing outside.

After about standing here awkwardly for ten minutes, I hear 'Risk' by Gracie Abrams blasting out of Stella's white Jeep. I smile when she parks right in front of me and I get in the back.

"Hey babe" Stell looks back and smiles at me.

"Hey don't call me babe" Luke remarks.

"I'm not talking to you dickhead" she rolls her eyes smacking him on his head.

"HEY. Don't touch my hair" he pretends to fix his hair up "I have girls to show my hair to" he sasses.

"So where to?" She starts driving.

"Can you drop me off at the house? I need to shower" I immediately think of what Cameron just got done doing not even thirty minutes ago.

"Yeah of course" she turns up the music, ugh this song is so good. I take out my book that I'm reading and zone everything out while I read.


We get home soon after and I get out of the car. "Call if anything okay?" Stell rolls down her window and tells me.

"Yeah of course" I smile and as soon as they drive off, I walk up to the door.

I walk in and take my shoes off by the door "anyone home?" I yell out. I don't know if Taylor has any plans.

When no one answers I take a deep breathe and go to the bathroom getting undressed. I turn the shower on and step in. After I wash my body and hair, I get out and wrap a towel around me and walk to my room.

I get a shirt from my drawer and some underwear and slip them on. I then lay on my bed. I'm tired so I'm taking a nap. Great idea I know.

Let's hope tonight will go okay.


☹️ I'm so so so sorry this is Late guys like I really am. For some reason I've been holding back finishing this chapter because of the first part I just did not think it was good at all so I'm really sorry if it's bad. Let's hope I get the next chapter in by the end of this week because I know you guys are tired of me promising I'll post the next day and I never do. I'm really sorry for that and I love you guys so much and thank you for 19k reads! I really don't deserve it, but I am so grateful.
(I updated this chapter btw)

Word count: 928

 Word count: 928

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