{14} "no."

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Luna's POV

"So, what happened with that guy?" Taylor squeaks out.

It's the next morning of their whole movie night thing. I refuse to be in the same room as Cameron. Freak that.

"Nothing really, just gave me his number." Also yesterday, when I went snack shopping, a guy just walked up to me and asked for my number. Nothing special.

She gives me a spectacle look, squinting her eyes "yeah, sure." We're both in the living just hanging out. Stell went to the gym this morning so she won't be here for a while.

"What's happening between you and Luke?" I finally ask.

"Um...I think we're dating but I don't want to hurt Stell." She frowns

"Girl, I think she loves the idea of you guys. Don't be sad and suck it up." I pull her to me, engulfing her.

"Thanks Luna" she smiles. "Anyway, I actually better go talk to him" she gets up.

"Yeah, I got class anyway" I'm already ready and my class doesn't start until 10:30 and it's about an hour till then. She nods, grabbing her things and walking out the door. I sigh, getting up and going to my room.

Today I'm just wearing the basic: leggings and gray crop top. I put my Nike socks on and grab my black converse. After that, I grab my car keys and head out. Before anything, I go to the car wash to wash the rest of the whipped cream I couldn't get off. That dick.

After the car wash, I go to the Starbucks drive through, get my drink and breakfast then start the drive to class.

When I get to the building, I turn the key off and take a deep breathe. After closing my eyes for like ten seconds, I realize I'm taking too much time and hurry to class.

I rush in the building, find my class which is English 100. With this class, there's so much essays that I have to do which I don't mind. I just don't like when there's group work.

I open the door and take a seat in the back. Stella has the same class so hopefully she's done with her running and shows up.

My thoughts come true when I see her rush into the door. She sees me which causes her to smile brightly. I mean, I am the best so why wouldn't she?

She makes her way to me, pushing people. "Hey," she says, out of breath. "How long were you here for?" She takes a seat next to me.

"Not long. Just got here" I smile.

"Oh thanks god," she releases a deep breath like she was holding it in. "I didn't want you to be here without me"

I push her shoulder slightly, shaking my head "I can deal with stuff without you and Taylor" I smile.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you can, babe" wow, she's serious right now.

Before I reply, the teacher comes in. "Alright class, how was your weekend?" Most of the class just murmurs 'good', I don't reply cause like girl just no.

"So today you all are going to be i-" he's cut off from two bimbos crashing in the door, making a loud noise. Of course, everyone stars. Me too. Oh my gosh, I can't get a break can I?

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