{12} Resting day

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Luna's POV

Tell me why I actually thought Cameron was being a good guy? Because he's not.

God I couldn't hate him more.

Okay so this morning I woke up perfectly, brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed. I was going to pick up something from the store so when I left and locked my house, I started walking to my car but I stopped and gasped when I saw eggs thrown all over it and whipped cream smeared on all the windows.

God I was so mad. And as if it couldn't get worse, I saw a note on the windshield that I grabbed inside 'you asked for it baby - Cameron'

Like bitch what? I didn't ask for anything. This just made my blood boil. Like why? There was no point in doing this.

The fact I had to clean it up was outrageous and so hard the eggs were already dried which meant they were there for quite some time and it's nine right now, how is he awake before nine? That kid is on crack.

After cleaning it, I went inside to not do anything. What? Stuff like that ruins my whole day so technically I don't have to do anything.

Like right now, I'm on the couch laying down watching tv, the best. And I love this pj set, it's the heart one, I don't really know but best purchase ever. The only problem is that it does show some of my ass so I only wear it to bed or when I'm alone like now.

I have this huge fluffy blanket that I use all time, its my personal boyfriend. Hehe i cuddle with it all day.


I'm woken up by somene shaking then laying on top of me. I groan and try to kick the person of but they just wont. They start jumping on me.

"Okay okay, I'm up and get of me bitch" I angrily say, opening my eyes and pushing the person of me hearing a thud.

When I look around, Luke is on the floor while Stella is sitting next to me and Taylor in the kitchen.

"What the fuck" I hear Luke whimper like he's hurt.

"Oh, get up you dick" I say "you're the one who jumped on me"

"And you pushed me!" He cries.

"Because you jumped on me" I point out.

He huffs, getting up and going to the kitchen. "Brothers am I right?" Stella says to me.

"Stells, he's your brother and I don't have one" I say

She goes deep in though for a second until it automatically hits her "oh, right" she whispers quietly.

I chuckle getting up and walking to the kitchen. What I see makes me gasp, Taylor and Luke, making out. He was sucking her face like the Cookie Monster while she had one of her legs propped up around his waist. His hand on her ass.

Hearing someone coming in, they both pull away quickly. Both faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Luna we can expl-" I cut Luke off.

"No. I will not tell her but you guys will or else I will. This is your sisters best friend" I point to Luke. "Okay look. It's none of my business but just know it's better to tell her then to wait and let her find out" I finish.

They both nod there head. Oh boy, can't wait for this to happen.

"Okay so all that aside, I'm happy for you guys" I whisper so Stell doesn't hear "I've always wanted you guys together. Totally ship. Okay I'm going" I chuckle leaving the kitchen.

Stella is still on the couch so I go head first and dove into the couch right next to her.

"Girl" she said like she's annoyed

"What? I love you" I sit up and kiss her on the cheek "but, as much as I love you" I say excitedly, but slowly "I have to go to my room and sleep because your brother did wake me up" I smile up at her.

She looks down at me smiling "alright," she rolls her eyes "get out of here".

"Kk, love you" I say, rolling of the couch. I sprint to my room and close the door.

Right when I'm in my room, my smile fades. It's like a never ending routine. With people, happy. Alone, sad.

God, I run a hand through my hair walking to my bed.

Today was okay. Would've been better if that asswipe didn't make my car ugly but whatever.

I turn off the lights and get comfortable. Tonight wasn't the best or healthy way to sleep but for me, it's a love, hate way to sleep by crying the whole night.

And that's exactly what I did.


Okayyyyyy I'm so sorry for barely updating but I will update more. And also sry for the short chapter but it's will be longer next time (that's what she said) Thanks for almost 400 reads, I really appreciate guys ❤️😭❤️😭

love - kayla ❤️

Word count: 838

Word count: 838

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