{8} girls and parties

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Cameron's POV

Today was pretty rough. At practice, coach had us working out asses off for the big game on Thursday and to say I'm exhausted is an understatement. Getting out of my car, I walk up the steps to my place and when I'm at the door, I realize the doors unlocked. Hmm. Guess my roommates are back.

Nope, they're not.

Yeah I realize that. When I walked in the door, I see Harley. Sitting on my couch. In neon green lingerie. Sprawled out. When she hears the door opening, she looks up and smiles at me.

"Hey baby" she said getting up and walking towards me, "You be missed you so much so I thought I'd come and we can have some sort of break" when she's up to me, she puts both her hand on my chest.

Pulling her hands of me I say, "I'd rather not. I'm pretty tired, I'm just gonna go to bed" I start walking past her.

"Are you serious right now?" I stop and turn around to see her waking up to me with an angry face "I came all the way here for this, bought this for you and you don't want me?" She points a finger and me then herself.

"Look, I'm tired okay. You should have texted me instead of coming here unannounced" I say calmly

"You know what Cameron?" I giver her an unamused look "don't call me. Don't text me." She grabs her stuff.

"I didn't ask you to come here okay? And you know what. I'm blocking you, I was going ti stop whatever we had going on anyways" with that I walk upstairs to my room and I hear my front door slam shut.

"Fucking finally" I mutter.

I go to my closet and grab some boxers and shorts then go to the restroom to take a shower. I strip naked after turning in the shower and get in.

After showering, I changed to my cloths and went back to my room. Drying my hair with a towel, I hear noises coming from down stairs. I leave my bedroom to go and check it out.

Nearing the kitchen, I hear more clearly and realize it's Luke and Nick. Luke cooking something while Nick gets a water front the fridge. Hearing me enter, they both look at me.

"Hey, you coming to the party tonight" asked Nick. I nod my head. Even though he study's a lot and is i guess like a nerd or something, he still parties he's just shy.

"Um, bitch don't forget about me" Luke looks offended. "I'm coming too" he smiles

"Yeah yeah. Well, I'm gonna go get ready. We're leaving in an hour" I walk back upstairs to get dressed.


I get dressed pretty quickly and now I'm just waited for the rest of the house to finish so we can leave. I'm just wearing a dark blue 'Reebok' t-shirt, brown color jeans and white Nikes.

"Okay let's go" I holler coming out of my room. When I make it to the living room. Nick is sitting there on his phone, doing whatever. "Alright, I'm leaving you" I grab my keys as Nick stands up.

"NO, WAIT IM ALMOST DONE" Luke yells from his room. I wait a couple more minutes until he comes out. "You know, you can't rush perfection" he smirks walking past me and out the door.

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