{2} Sunrises and spilt hot coco

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Luna's POV

I'm woken up from a loud blaring noise.

"Shut that thing off Luna" I hear Stella say through the walls.

"I'm trying, I'm tying" I groan out after reaching for it, hitting it multiple time until the noise stopped.

Opening my eyes and looking around my room, I start looking for my phone in my covers of my bed.

As I'm growing furious of not finding it, I look and realize it's on my night stand. I grab it noticing the time. 4:30 am. I scroll through my socials before getting up, going to brush my teeth, then looking in my closet to fine something to wear.

It is December here so I decided to wear a black skirt, with black kinda see-through tights, a white knit sweater and matching it with my black converse. I just let my hair freely down after brushing it. I grab everything I need before heading out the door.

Once I reach my car, I get in, relax first then start it, step on the peddle and drive away.

I reach the coffee shop near my college and get out of my car. I love this coffee shop. It smells so good here and it has that kind of chocolately smell to it I don't really know how to explain it but it's an amazing place. Once I'm inside I wait in line then go up to order.

"Hi. Can I please just get a hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin to-go please?"

"Yes. Will that be all?" I nod. "Coming right up"

As I wait, I go through my phone until my order is called.

Walking out of the coffee shop I jump in my car again and start my journey.

After half an hour I finally reach it. The beach.

I just love going to the beach to watch the sunrise. It's like watching a new beginning. Like forgetting about yesterday and moving forward to tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I was like the sunrise. Just as beautiful, happy-looking and positive it looks. The sunrise makes it so easy forgetting about yesterday and the past but for me? It's not that easy. I can't just forget what happened to me. I don't think I'm fully over it but I'm trying my hardest to move forward.

Getting out of my daze, I look at the time and see it's almost time for my lecture. Standing up, I drink some of my hot coco before getting into my car and driving of to campus.

As I'm reaching it, I realize I'm going to be late so when I park, I rush out of my car and bolt it to my lecture. I've never been late and I'm not starting now.

While I'm running, I look down for a quick second and next thing you know it I bumped into something.

More like someone. "Owww" I mumble holding onto my forehead

"Oh my fucking god, that's so fucking hotttttt" I hear from above me.

I also hear some snickering from the person behind the person I bumped into

Just realizing that I bumped into someone I speak my own thoughts "did you not see someone running dipshit?"

"Apparently not and neither did you" I hear someone say

Finally that's when I look up and see the most attractive guy I've ever seen. Unfortunately it's someone I don't like. Cameron Roman. All I know is that he's the hockey caption here and that he sleeps around a lot. I don't really like him nor his friends which is like everyone on the hockey team and that's because they all think that they are all that. By 'all that' I mean getting every girl just cause they feel like it, flirting with the female professors to try and get there grades higher and last but not least: thinking everything is about them just because they're hot.

Don't get me wrong. Almost every guy on the team is hot but when they act like that? No thanks, I'd rather be alone.

Which takes me back to where I'm at right now. Staring right at Cameron.

"You know your gonna pay for this" he says "this first is one of my favorites" he says looking down at me

"Okayyyyy...I didn't ask if it was your favorite and your the one who bumped into me so no, I will not be paying for that" I reply back.

The snickering continues until I look behind Cameron's big head and realize it's Luke who's laughing.

Im actually okay with Luke. And the only reason to that is because he is twins with Stella. They both have the same energy which I like about them. Luke is also a hockey player and he does sleep around like Cameron does and maybe even more but he's also very kind and respectful. Next to him was Nick..I think his name is. I'm positive though because Stella does speak fondly of him. He's really shy but in a cute was and he's also really attractive. Like right now: he's staring off but looks really well doing it.

I don't know but enough about that I'm gonna be late!

"Hey Luna" Luke finally speaks after his giggling

"nice comebacks" he chuckles some more before reaching for my hand which i gladly but hesitantly, take his as he helps me up.

"Hey Luke and than-" before I can finish what I was going to say, Cameron cuts me off

"So your name is Luna?"

"Yes..yes it is?" I say suspiciously with a confused face. "Why"

"Oh nothing just wanted to know what the girls name was who spilt coffee on me. That's all" he smirks, looking at me up and down.

Okay that was kinda hot but no.

"Okay for one. It's not coffee, it's hot coco and for two I'm late to class so nice chatting with but gotta go" I start to walk past them "chao, asshole" I grumble not looking behind me to see if he was looking or not. 

Walking at a fast pace, I finally enter class. My professor was writing on the chalkboard so I not so sneakily snuck towards my table in the back of the classroom.

"Miss. Brooks, your late" professor Thompson turned around and looked directly at me "don't let it happen again" I nodded at him

'So much for being late' I thought to myself

"Alright class..." I zoned out the rest of the period just staring off and just took notes when needed too.


Yay guys!!! Seconded chapter done. Hope you guys liked it and personally I'm liking but idk everyone's different.

Thanks you guys sm for reading!!!

love - kayla ❤️

Word count: 1124

Word count: 1124

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