{4} hanging out with the dickhead

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Luna's POV

"No. Stop"

I wake up out of the blue and sit up. Eyes bloodshot open. My breathing heavy.

God I was having that nightmare

I reach my hand up to my heart and try to calm down my breathing. Then out of nowhere I start crying.

Sobbing. Loudly.

I didn't really realize how loud I was until my door was slammed open and in came Taylor running towards me and laying next to me on my bed

"Shhhh. Shhh breathe Luna" she wraps her arms around me while I try to focus of my breathes. She hugs me as tight as she can before releasing me.

She wipes the tears that have fallen down my face then she starts laying me down "your okay Lune...I'm right here.. he's not going to get you okay?" I nod my head resting my face into her chest. She lays down beside me humming in my ear and telling me I'm safe and okay. Before anything else, I fall back to slumber.


I wake up again but this time from the sunlight shining through my window. I slightly open my eyes and immediately yawn. Searching for my phone, when I find it I see it's 8:30 am. Luckily it's Saturday and I have no school.

I get up from bed after scrolling through my socials for a little while and go to the restroom to brush my teeth. Once I'm done I head the the kitchen.

As I'm close to it I hear Taylor's voice "morning sleepy head" she says groggily. I wave her off not really in the mood to talk.

"Wanna talk about last night?" She asks right as I'm sitting down. I quickly shake my head avoiding eye contact.

"Okayyyy..." she lets out.

"Where's Stella?" I question trying to change the subject about me and also when I notice she's not here.

She shrugs taking a sip of her coffee. "Um..I...dunno. She went to the party with me last night but then left with this hat ass dude. Girly I was so jealous" I chuckle at her with a full fake smile on my face. I don't really know why it's not real but I can't seem to show off a real one.

"Okay..well I'm going to my room, I'll see you later" I say to her before exiting and returning to my room. After making my bed, I decide to change so I go into my closet.

After looking, I settle on some black leggings that make my ass look great in Taylor and Stella's opinion, a light brown long-sleeve cardigan top thingy, nick sock and my favorite UGG's.

While putting on my socks, reach over to my radio and play some music. 'Duvet' by Bâo comes on bringing a smile to my face. This song is one of my favorite to put on during fall or winter. It reminds me of coziness, driving around kinda thing also of like Gilmore girls/ Bella Swan from 'Twilight', autumn, books.

All of the sudden my room swings open and Taylor including Stella enter "are you already dressed" Stella asked, I nodded, confused "come on, we're going somewhere" she says hurriedly

Still confused, I just stand there as they left my room. Moments later, they both come in again, Stella grabs my hand and drags me out of my room.

"May I ask where we're going?" I ask

"You'll see" she says. I stop dead in my tracks. Stella looks at me and puts both of her hands on my each side of my cheeks. I think Taylor told her about my incident last night. "Hey..it's okay no need to worry. We're just going to my brothers place to hang out. You'll be safe" I let out a groan knowing you know who lives there with Luke.

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