{19} fight's and kisses

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Luna's POV

I found where everyone was seated after I came in, Cameron didn't come in after like almost ten minutes.

We've been here for about an hour now and Stella is drunk like totally fucking wasted. Taylor not so much and neither Luke but that doesn't stop him from jumping on the bar table and dancing his ass off.

I seriously could never.

Right now, I'm texting my mom, she wants me home for Christmas but I don't know if I can afford the plane trip.

"Come and dance with me...I'll make it worth it" Cameron is right across from and while Charlotte tries to get him to dance with her.

I ignore them and text my mom that I'll try to make it. Right after I press send, Stella came out of nowhere taking me phone.

"No phone rule, remember?" I nod my head. "Good babes, now let's dance" she gives my phone to Cameron telling him to watch it for me. After, she grabs both my hands and drags me to the dance floor.

I look back to Cameron and see Charlotte sitting on his lap, eating his face. Ew.

"Hey hey. You okay?" Stell has both of her hands on the side of my face, making me look directly at her.

"what? Yes, of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I? Let's just dance." I didn't really care what Cameron did in his life it's none of my business.

But why would he act the way he did in the car if he's not even going to continue what he was doing. I mean. I would've refused and I wouldn't want him to do anything to me, but also at this point, I'll do anything to get laid. Even if it's with the guy who made me cry.

I finally come to my senses when I feel someone grinding behind me. I thought it was Stell until I look in front of me and see her and Taylor dancing together.

Who the hell is dancing with me?

I slightly turn my head, while grinding on him. I mean, I don't wanna make things awkward if I'm just standing there. When I take a good look at him, it's a really hot guy. And I mean hot.

I turn my head back to face in front of me while grinding my ass on his front.

"I'm Alan" he whispers in my ear, okay not in the  hot way, but I guess it'll do.

"Em" of course I'm not gonna give out my real name who do you think I am.

His hands grab my hips. I didn't mind it because I wasn't in the right mindset, but when I started to get uncomfortable was when he was trailing his hands closer to the hem of my dress. I grab both of his hands and bring them back to my hips.

He did it again.

But this time, his hands moved to the inner of my thighs, very close to my panties.

"Oh- uhm," I mumble, trying to stop his hands from trailing closer. I move away from him and turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I want this right now..." I look at his face. Not as hot as I remembered. Even though it was literally 5 minutes ago. I point my fingers to us both, "You know, this?" I laugh nervously.

"Oh cmon...I know you want it" he moves his arms around me and them to my ass.

"I don't want to do this right-" I get cut off, trying to stop the pain in my chest.

"Baby, just be good and let's take this to my place." He whispers harshly, slipping his hands under my dress. Gripping my ass harshly.

"I-I said no-" I fall to the ground as we both get tackled.

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