{5} Sharing beds and having fights

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Cameron's POV

Okay. This is weird. Luna is sleeping on me. Her head slowly falling off my shoulder.

I knew when we were watching the movie she was getting tired but I just didn't want to say anything because to be completely honest. She felt so good glued to my side. Like she was made to be there.

What are you even saying? You've met her once

Yeah, yeah your right. I'm just attracted to her. That's all.

I look around the room and see Stella sleeping peacefully sprawled out in the couch. Luke and Taylor are cuddling in the corner still watch the movie. I definitely think something's going on with them. I remind myself to ask him about it later and continue watching the movie.

Okay no. This movies so ducking scary I don't know why I agreed to watching it.

I let out a yawn and whisper-yell to Luka and Taylor "Hey" they both move their head facing me "it's getting pretty late. Taylor since both of them are sleeping you guys can just crash here" she nods her starting ti get up off the couch. After stretching, she slowly starts to shake Stella. Getting no luck Luke just throws a blanket on her.

"Taylor will stay in my room. Do you mind if Luna sleeps in your bed?" I let out a groan "come on man look she's sleeping peacefully"

"Yeah, that's why we can just leave her down here" i state looking between her sleeping figure to an exhausted looking Luke. He makes puppy dog eyes and for some reason I give in. "Fine. She can sleep in my room"

"No funny business in there or I will beat your ass" threatens Taylor looking a me seriously with a point look. I raise both hands up in surrender sending her a nod. She chuckles then suddenly stops looking at me dead in the eyes. I stare at her slightly scared until she walks out of the room with Luke trailing right behind her

I sigh, running a hand through my hair and face, walking slowly I reach where Luna is peacefully laying at. Slightly bending over, I wrap one arm under her legs while my other arm goes behind her neck.

Carrying her bridal style, I walk up the stairs and down the hall where my bedroom is, I open the door and walk over to my bed laying Luna gently down.

I take a step back and just look at her. Admiring her. She looks so beautiful right now sleeping. Starting to feel like a creep, I look away from her while removing my t-shirt and just staying in my grey sweats.

I glance at her one more "goodness" I mutter while walking over her to and taking her UGG's, other than that she looks pretty comfortable.

Getting over on my side I crawl next to her and pull the covers over us. Wasn't long until I fell into deep sleep.


The first thing I felt when I woke up was a body wrapped around me. That's when I remembered last night and that I'm sleeping next to Luna. I'm laying on my back and she's sleeping halfway on top of me, with her right leg over my hips, her right arm is wrapped around my waist as her head is in the crook of my neck. Both of my arms are wrapped tightly around her.

I take a deep breath on the top of her head accidentally smelling her hair. God, even that looks good. After laying here in silence for like ten minutes, Luna starts to stir in her sleep until her eyes fully adjust to the sunlight coming of the room.

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