{17} tagging along

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Cameron's POV

"She's going?" I cut Luke off when he tells me that Luna, is going to the bar opening near here.

"Yup, I'm going too, if you were wondering.." he smiles at me.

I smile them quickly drop after saying "I don't care if you are or not." His smile dropping too.

He decides yo be a baby about it and crosses his arm, making this baby face that's not going well. "You don't want to come?"


"Luna's going"

"I don't care"

yes you do.

He walks closer to where I'm at on the couch and almost fucking hovers over me.

"You sure? Right cause you don't like her" he states, sitting next to me now.

"God, I heard from Stell and Taylor that she's looking for some-well, you know" he takes a drink of his water.

Hearing this, my head whips to him. "She going to what? She's looking for what?." I urge, what the fuck?

"Bitch, I told you, she's looking for sex or something" he mumbles.


Mhm, I don't care.

"how do you feel about that?" At this point, I'm ignoring him.

"What? You like the idea of her grinding on some guy she just met? Kissing him?"

"Stop, Luke"

"Her taking him back to her place? Them getting nasty while your staying home doing fucking nothing?"

"Okay that's it" I stand up, stretching first. "I'm going with you guys you hoe" I state, as I put my arms down.

"When are you leaving the house?"

"Probably eight"

"Are you going to pick them up?"

"I was thinking about it, why?" He's looking at me weirdly right now.

"If you are, let me know I wanna go"

"There's no room, they're taking this other girl and it's a five seater. Me, Stell, Tay, Luna and the girl" I mentally groan. I mean I can take myself but why waste gas?

"Unless.." he smirks at me "Luna babes, sits on your lap" i clear my throat hearing this.

Nonsense. Right?

C'mon, you know you'll love it

I hate her, don't you understand that?

Do you really believe that?

Yes I do now stop talking to me.

"I'm good with that" I answer, not even remembering what he asked.

"You sure?"

"Yes, now, I'm taking a shower, after I'm watching my show, then I'll get ready" I start my way up the stairs to my room.

When I'm in there, I go straight to my bathroom and strip.

I mean, I don't hate he-

I knew it!!!

Let me finish, I just don't like her.

And why's that?

Because..because....beca-she spilt her goddamn hot drink on me.

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