{13} "she blocked me"

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Cameron's POV

"I can't believe you did that" a disappointed Luke tells me.

It's the day after I did that whole thing with Luna's car and to be honest, I apologize and she didn't want anything to do with me. She blocked me for crying out loud.

Yesterday, I woke up very early and was bored, that was the first to come in mind.

Do I regret it? No.

Do I feel bad she has to clean it? Absolutely not.

Look, I'm a dick and I know that. I don't really care what she thinks. I mean, yeah the kiss we had was amazing and I wouldn't mind doing it again.

The point is, she's not my type.

"I was just bored" I tell him. He gives me an unconvincing look "okay, okay. She blocked me"

"She blocked you?" He questions after I just fucking told him.

"She blocked me" I confirm

He looks away, "hmm, good for her, I wouldn't done the same" he shrugs and continues to walk up to the house.

"Hey, don't be like that" I scoff, opening the door. We both walk in and go in the kitchen. We both just finished walking a few miles.

"What? I mean you did yell at her for barely spilling any coffee o-" he's cut if before he finishes.

"Hot chocolate" i correct.

The confused look he gives me makes me rolls my eyes and explain.

"She spilt hot chocolate on me, not coffee" I point out.

"Um, yeah okay whatever. The point is, she doesn't like you and neither would I"

"What, why wouldn't you like me?" I question

"Cause your a little bitch" he walks up to me giving me a pat on the back "but don't worry, I'm still your friend" he whispers then disappears from the kitchen to his room I assume.

I finish drinking my water then go sit down on the couch. As I'm sitting there, I think, why did she block me? I mean, I don't care but like am I really that bad? Was it the kiss? Cause if that's the problem she's crazy. I'm a really good kisser. She was bad. Yup.

Whatever, I'll still try to make her forgive me. I think I hurt her pretty bad with all that bad stuff I said when she spent the night. I still don't know why I said those things. I can tell I really hurt her and that wasn't my intention. Ugh, you know what? Yeah, I got nothing.

After sitting in silence, my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and see that Bailey is calling me.

"Hey big bro," I hear her chuckle on her side.

"Can I help you?" I say annoyed "I don't feel like talking to anyone right now"

"Um yeah okay bitch. I just wanted to make sure we're still on for you picking me up tomorrow?" She asks

"Yeah. We're still on. Is that all?" I raise my eyes even though she can't see me

"Yup that's all. Bye hoe" she hangs up before I can say anything.

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