Chapter 1

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Alex's POV:
"Come on Alex,you're gonna be late!" Yelled my Mum.
"I'm coming just give me five more minutes!" I yelled back.
It was the first day back at sixth form and I really wanted to look my best. This was my last year in sixth form and exams are going to be right around the corner,so the pressure is on.
"Right,I'm ready. We can go now". I said.
"Great let's go". My mum sighed.
"So are you excited to go back to sixth form"? My mum asked.
"No,not really. I'm only excited to see my friends,that's all."
"Well you should be because you need to do well in order to get to university. And your grades at the moment aren't looking too well".My mum said.
"Well I still have time to improve, so relax mum". I moaned

*As I got through the sixth form gates*

Alexandra! Yelled my friend for three years,Dan. Me and Dan met in year 11 and since then we've been really close.
Daniel! I yelled as I ran towards him to give him a hug.
"I missed you!" Dan said.
"I missed you too!" I said.
"Look at the lovebirds" said Alana, my younger sister.
Dan quickly pulled away from our hug "we're just friends, that's all."
"If you say so. By the looks of it,that didn't seem like a friendly hug." Grinned Alana.
"Whatever Alana,go talk to your friends and leave me be,okay? "
"Fine,I'll see you lovebirds later."
"Gosh! Why does she have to be so irritating!"
"She's just messing with you,just ignore her." Dan reassures me

*At lunch*

"Hey Alex." Said Mark another friend of mine.
"Hi Mark,how are you?"
"Not bad,how about you?"
"I'm fine,not to mention I looked like a loner at the dinner table. What took you so long and where are the others?"
"I'm sorry, I got let out of lesson late, Sarah said she's going to the library and I have no idea where Dan is."
"Oh my gosh,where is he?"
"Aww,are you worried about your boyfriend?" Mark jokingly said.
"We are not together!" I said annoyingly.
Just then,I felt some one behind me. I turned around to see Dan laughing about what Mark said.
"Why is everyone saying that we are dating?" Dan said while laughing.
"Dating! Everyone is saying that!?"
"Well most people are anyway. I just ignore it because its not true. Alex don't listen to them."
"You're right."
"Do you like Dan, Alex?" Mark said narrowing his eyes,trying to see if I would crack under pressure.
"Of course not! Dan's my best friend. Can't a girl and a boy be friends? I mean I'm friend with you,Mark."
"Yeah we're friends but, we are not as close as you and Dan."
"True,but still that doesn't mean we are dating!"
"Whatever you say Alex. The truth always comes out." And with that Mark gets up and slowly leaves.
"He's a weird one,that Mark." Said Dan.
"I know and yet we are friends with him." I laughed.

* Hi this is my first chapter to my first story. Hope you all like it! Tell me if you do and what I can do to improve it!

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