Chapter 17

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Dan's POV:

I was an idiot for inviting Sarah over. After Alex shouted at me, I slept on the sofa. When I got up I went to the shops and bought Alex a bouquet of roses and wrote her a letter apologising and placed them on the bed. I got breakfast ready and made Alex her favourite breakfast: cheese and ham omlet with toast and beans and a cup of coffee. I wanted to show her how sorry I am.
I got my breakfast ready, sat on the sofa and watched TV. I heard her footsteps coming up the hall way then when she appeared she had the biggest smile on her face. She walked over to me then she hugged and kissed me. "Good morning" I said between our kisses. "Morning" she replied smiling.
"Thank you for the flowers." Alex said sitting on my lap.
"You're welcome." I said giving her a kiss
"I read your letter're forgiven." She said smiling
"Phew, thank you." I laughed

We both stayed in for the day and watched some films. We started off with romcoms, Alex's favourite. Then we ended the film marathon with some thriller films. I didn't mind sitting on the sofa all day because I got to snuggle up next to my beautiful fiancée.
Since we were having a lazy day, we ordered pizza then watched more films. Alex then fell asleep on my lap, I smiled looking at how cute she looked sleeping. I picked her up in my arms, took her to the bed and placed he covers over her. I went back to the living room because I wasn't that tired anyway.

While watching TV I got a text message. "Who could that be." I said to myself
I checked the message and realised it's from Sarah. I sighed then opened the text: Hey, I miss you x
I ignored the text and switch my phone off. I went to my bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up and got dressed for work. I got to work and I couldn't believe who was there, Sarah. Why is she here? It turns out she's started working here.
I avoided her for the whole day then after work we bumped into each other. "Funny meeting you here." Sarah smiled
"Ha, too." I said nervously
"So where are you off to?" She asked
"Um, I was just on my way home." I said
"Aww, that's a shame. I thought maybe we could have a drink and forget about what happened in the past." She smiled
"Yeah...sorry. Well I will see you tomorrow then." I said

As I was about to walk off she grabbed me and started kissing me. For some reason I didn't stop her, I kissed her back and it felt good. What's happening to me? Do I suddenly have feelings for Sarah?
After kissing her for what seemed like 5 minutes, I finally pulled away. "Yeah, I have to go." I wispered
"I'll see you tomorrow, Dan." Sarah smiled giving me one last kiss

On my way home, I thought about what I just did. If Alex ever found out we'd be finished for good. I try to get it out my mind by listening to music.
I got home and I was greeted by a very happy Alex. "Hey, what's gotten into you?" I smiled
"I'm just happy to see my handsome fiancée." She said kissing me
"Well I'm happy to see you too." I smiled giving her a kiss.

After having dinner and watching another romcom, we went to bed. Getting to sleep was really hard because I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah. It's like I actually have feelings for her and I shouldn't. And the worst part is that I actually can't wait to see her tomorrow.

*Hey hope you like this chapter! I am trying my best to update and this story might be finished soon :( But the good thing is that there will be a sequel :) Thank you for reading my story and your votes and comments do matter! :)

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