Chapter 3

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Alex's POV:

While following Dan to the bus stop yesterday, we started talking about prom even though it is a month away. Dan seemed a bit tense when i asked him if he has chosen anyone to go to the prom with. He seems to be acting weird with me lately and I'm going to find out why.

*At sixth form*

"Hey Dan, what's up?"
"Oh hey Alex,nothing much. I'm just looking for my teacher." He said avoiding eye contact.
"Why are you acting weird with me Dan? Have I done or said anything to you?" I said.
"I'm not acting weird with you and no you haven't said or done anything." He said still avoiding my eyes.
"Then why are you avoiding my eyes then,Dan? If I haven't said or done anything, why the awkwardness?" I said angrily.
"I am awkward,Alex." He said calmly.
"Well you're clearly hiding something and I won't have rest until I find out what it is." I said as I stomped off.

Dan's been acting funny since Mark kept saying that we Hold up...does Dan like me? But we're friends and he's never try to make a move or anything and he's even told Mark that we're friends. I'm probably just exaggerating. I need to find Mark.

*At lunch*

I grabbed Mark's arm and I'm hoping he spills something about why Dan is acting weird.

"Mark,why is Dan acting weird with me?" I said still holding Mark's arm.
"Uh,I have no idea. Why don't you talk to him?" Mark said.
"I just did,but I don't believe him. So that's why I'm asking you,since you guys seem to be hanging out more often."
"Look Alex,you know that Dan is strange. Mark said.
"Well,you're the last person to be saying that Dan is strange,when you're definitely the strange one. Since I'm not getting the answer that I want, I'm going to go and investigate even more." I said.

*Walking home*

It's really bugging me why Mark and Dan are not telling me anything. Dan sometimes walks home with me and Alana and I've barely seen him all day.

"What are you thinking about,Alex?" My sister said as I come from my thoughts.
"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking about my exams that are coming up." I lied.
"Don't worry,I'm sure you'll ace them all." Alana said.
"Thanks little sis". I said jokingly.

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