Chapter 16

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Alex's POV:

I go to the door and realised the door was locked. I took my keys out and dropped them on the ground. Cursing as I bent down to pick them up,the door opened.
"Hi Alex" Dan says out of breath
"Hey Dan, why are you so out of breath?" I asked
"Oh, I was just warming up to go running." He says
"Okay...I'm gonna go change and enjoy your run." I said
"Thanks." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead

After Dan left, I've just realised that he doesn't warm up before going on his run. I forgot about it and went to change into my pajamas. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, then I realised there's a glass on the counter with bright pink lipstick on it. I didn't freak out because maybe he had a friend over.
I waited till Dan got back from his run to ask him about the glass.

"Hey, Babe?"
"Yeah, what is it?" He asked
"I just wanted to know who did you have over because there is pink lipstick on the glass.?" I said
"Oh, um, I had a friend over earlier." He said
I know he's lying because fidgets when he lies.
"You're lying. Please just tell me the truth Dan." I said as I tried to hold back the tears
He sighs "Okay, one night I sort of got a bit drunk, and I met Sarah at the pub."
"Wait, Sarah from sixth form?" I asked getting irritated
"Yes...then she told me that I told her to come over to have a chat. Then I told her to leave, but she wasn't having it. She then started kissing me and I pushed her away." Dan said
"But why did you want her to come over in the first place?"
"I was drunk and I obviously was in a dark place at the time. And I guess I wanted someone to comfort me after what happened to my mum."
"What about me Dan? Wasn't I enough?" I shouted
"I'm sorry, I want in the right frame of mi-" He said before I cut him off
"Please, I did tell you not to go out but you didn't listen. You could've found someone else but no you found her of all people." I said crying
"Alex, I'm sorry. " He said pulling me towards him

To be honest it felt good being close to him even though I was angry at him.
"Just so you know, you're not forgiven just yet." I said looking up at him
"I know, but I just want you to know that I would never look at another woman. I know being drunk isn't a good excuse but you are the only woman for me." Dan said
"Okay, but you're sleeping on the couch tonight." I said smirking
"Okay, anything that would get me back in your good books." He said with a small smile

I woke up with a letter and a bouquet of roses. The letter read: Dear Alex, I'm sorry for being an idiot. It hurts me to see you cry and I promise not to ever hurt you again. We've come a long way and I really don't want us to end here. I want us to be together for a long time and I promise nothing will ever come between us again. I love you with all my heart. Hopefully I can sleep in our bed tonight.
Love Dan xx

The last part of the letter made me smile. I'm just hoping Dan can stick to his words. I pulled the covers off and took a shower and got ready for the day.

Hey! Sorry for being MIA but I'm hoping to update this story a bit faster. Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading! Your comments and votes matter! :)

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