Chapter 5

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Alex's POV:

What the hell just happened? Dan just told me that he likes me,that's why he's been acting strange and I thought it was something I said. But the thing is I like Dan and when he told me how he felt,I really wanted to tell him I feel the same way,but I was too scared.

*Two weeks later*

It's been two weeks since Dan told me how he felt and I feel like I'm ready to tell him how I feel now.
I decided to invite Dan over to my house to tell him. I have never been this nervous before in my life.

The door bell rang and it was Dan right on time as usual. We have each other hugs and decided to go to my bedroom to talk. We get to my bedroom and Dan sat on my bed and I sat next to him. For a minute it was silent and Dan was looking at the ground as usual and I really want to tell him but before I could I let out a squeak which scared Dan and even myself.

"Sorry" I said
"It's okay. So why did you call me over?" He asks
"Well you know when you asked if I felt the same way? Well I have my answer now." I said
Dan didn't say anything but he just stared at me waiting for my answer.
"Well Dan I..." I started. I couldn't get the rest of my words out,but before I had a chance to continue Dan broke his silence.
"Look Alex, its okay that you don't feel the same way." Dan said
"I do feel the same way." I said a bit too loud.
"I like you Dan,the truth is I've liked you for a long time but juta like you I didn't have the courage to say it." I said
"Wow,well I am really happy." Dan said smiling
"Me too." I said smiling

We gave each other a hug which lasted very long but I didn't mind at all. Then as we're pulling away we're looking into each others eyes and then before I knew it, Dan starts kissing me. I wanted to pull away but I didn't, I actually enjoyed it.

After our little kissing session we decided to go on a walk to park to get some fresh air.

Dan held my hand as we stroll through the park. We walked around for bit,then we decided to sit under a tree. As sit down next to Dan he's staring at me and smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Becasue we're together I guess. I was wondering if you would like to be my date for the prom?" Dan asks. "Of course I want to be your date, Dan!" I said. "Well I can't wait till the day."

We've been sitting under the tree for a few hours now and we've been remembering the old days. These few hours with Dan has been the happiest I've been in weeks.

Hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think of it! Your opinion matters! :-)

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