Chapter 20

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Alex POV

I was hoping that it was not Dan, but it was. I stood outside the restaurant just staring at him with tears in my eyes. He finally looked up and saw me looking at him sternly . The woman who he was kissing looked around to see what Dan was looking at and it was Sarah. I had a feeling it was her and that made me fill with rage. Dan finally stood and ran outside to me. He was saying something but I didn't listen to what he said, I didn't even make eye contact with him. It was like I zoned out and I was in a totally different place. I was bought back to reality by Dan shaking me gently.
I pushed him away from me and started walking away.

"Alex, please stop!" He ran towards me
I stopped and turned to him with tears streaming down my face.
"Alex, I know what it looks like." He said
"I know what it looks like?! It looks like my fiancé is having dinner and making out with another woman!" I shouted
"I'm sorry." Dan said
"You're sorry?! Sorry that you got caught you mean!" I said
"You were never meant to find out." He replied trying grab my hand
"Don't...just don't touch me okay? What do you mean I was never meant to find out? So mean to tell me that we would've gotten married and you would still have that bitch on the side?" I asked
"Um, no. This was not supposed to happen, me and Sarah." He replied

Just as I was about to reply I heard Sarah's voice behind Dan. "Is everything okay, Dan?" Sarah asked
"You have some nerve showing your face!" I shouted
"Well, I'm sorry that Dan doesn't love you anymore." She smiled

I walked up to her and slapped her, Dan pulled me away from her while she touched her now sore cheek.
"I've told you before not to touch me! Just get away from me, I'm going back to Birmingham, I don't want to see your face ever again." I said walking away

Dan left Sarah and followed me back to our house. He kept saying sorry, saying sorry cannot fix this situation. I packed my stuff and started making my way to the train station. Then Dan blocked my path, I stood there and looked at his face. "Why her, Dan?" I asked trying not to cry
"I'm sor-" he started
"Just stop...saying sorry, okay. Saying it will not make me forgive you or make things better." I said

I took my engagement ring off and gave it back to him. He looked down at what I gave him and back up at me with tears in his eyes. I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear "Hope she makes you happy." I picked up my bags and headed towards the train station. I got on the train and immediately broke down in tears. I never thought I would have been engaged to my best friend. To think that he was seeing some else on the side breaks my heart that I wasn't enough for him, that I couldn't make him happy.

After my long journey back to Birmingham,I finally made it to my parents house. I knocked the door and my mum opened and quickly hugged me. "I guess I'll be staying with you guys for bit." I sniffed
"You can stay as long as you want sweetie." My mum said still hugging me
We go inside and I was greeted by my dad and again I broke down in tears.
"Darling,don't worry about him anymore. You have been given another chance to start over" My dad said

My dad was right. I'm going to forget everything that happened in Camden and start a new life in Birmingham . Dan and I we're friends before we became a couple and it's going to hard.

*Hey thanks for reading this story and I hoped you enjoyed it! This is the last chapter for this story and I will be writing a sequel quite soon! Kyle, Woody and Will may be in the sequel aswell! Thank you for your votes, comments and 1.11k reads! :)

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