Chapter 7

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Dan's POV:

"Hey are you having a good time?" I asked
"Yeah I am. Are you?" Sarah asked smiling
"I'm having a great time." I said.
"Thats good." she said
"You know,you and Alex are such a cute couple. I wish I had a relationship like yours." she said
"Thanks. Aren't you and Mark together?" I asked
"Yeah we are,but I wish our relationship is like yours." She said while coming closer to me

I started backing away but she grabbed my hand. "Dan, I don't want to be with Mark,I want to be with you." and with that she pushed me against the wall and starts kissing. Before I could even push her off of me,Alex was standing there with tears running down her face.
I pushed Sarah off and ran over to Alex.

"Alex,it's not what it looks like." I said
"Okay,so what is it then?" Alex said while wiping her tears
"She pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. I only came outside to get some air." I said

I don't want to lose Alex, we've only been together for a short time. I tried to grab Alex's hand but she pulled away.

"Alex,you have to believe me." I said
"Dan I don't know what to believe at this moment." Alex said trying to hold her tears back
"Believe what I'm saying. You know I would never cheat." I said
"I need to go and please don't follow me." She said

I can't believe what just happened. My prom has been ruined by Sarah and probably my relationship with Alex. I don't know if I should tell Mark about Sarah kissing me or just leave it. But before I even decide what I'm gonna do,Mark charges me to the ground and starts punching me in the face.

"Why would you kiss Sarah?" Mark shouted
"I didn't, she's the one that kissed me." I said
"Well I don't believe you one bit." Mark said angrily
"I thought we were friends Dan? How could you do something like this?" Mark asked
Before I could say something he knees me in the stomach and leaves.

I ended up leaving my prom with a bloodied face and maybe a broken rib. To a ruined prom and relationship,I can now add a ruined friendship to the list.

On my way back home,I was the only one in the limo. All the fun that we had earlier has now vanished. As I got to my house, I snuck up stairs and wash my face and changed my clothes then I went to bed. I wanted to forget this night.

The next morning I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. I was staring at my ceiling thinking of what to do today. I decided to call Alex,knowing that she would not answer. So I texted her and to my surprise she texted back saying "go away". I can't just leave it like that,I need to see her.

*Sooo,I hope you like this one. Please feel free to leave comments!*

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