Chapter 4

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Dan's POV:

Alex is on to me,I can't let her know that I like her...not now anyway. I need some time to gain some courage before I do it.

*One week later*

I haven't spoken to Alex in a week and its all my fault. Why can't I just buck up the courage and tell her how I feel? Why is this so hard? I decided to call her, but it went to voicemail. So I tried again and this time she picked up.

"Hello" Alex said
"Hi,how are you?" I asked
"I'm okay,I have finished all my exams." Alex said.
"That's good! " I said
"Have you finished all your exams?" Alex asked
"Yeah,I have. It feels great not having to revise for anything ha." I said
There was silence for a bit until I forced myself to ask her something.

"So...look Alex, I was wondering if you would like to come over to mines now so that we can have a talk. We haven't talked in a while." I said. I'm hoping she says yes,because I really can't hold it any longer. I need to tell her how I feel and even if she doesn't feel the same at least I've told her how I feel so that I can stop acting like a weirdo around her.
"Talk about what?" She asked
"I just wanted to talk about why I was acting weird around you." I said
"Yeah okay, I'll be there in 30 mins. See ya."

The door bell rang and it felt like my heart is going to burst out my chest any minute.
"Hey,come on in." I said
"Thanks." Alex said
We went to my bedroom to have some privacy,because I don't want my parents to here what's going on.
Alex sat on the end of my bed and I sat next to her but not to close otherwise it will be awkward.

"Okay,how do I start this?" I said
"Dan just spit it out." Alex said
"Okay,I hope you don't hate me for this." I said nervously
"Dan for heaven's sake,just tell me why you were acting weird!" She said annoyed
"Sorry. Okay,the reason why I was acting weird around is because...I like you,Alex." I said. Oh my gosh,I can't believe I've actually told her. At the moment she's just looking at me like I've killed someone.

"Um,Alex,say something please." I pleaded
"How long did you have theses feelings for me?" She finally speaks
"Since we met in year 11." I said
"Oh wow. So wait when Mark was teasing us,did he knew since year 11?" She asked
"No,he didn't. I told him a few weeks back. He sort realised that I liked you." I said.
"So, do you have the same feelings for me then Alex?" I asked
"Listen Dan I need some time to process what you've said okay." She said
"Yeah,that's fine. I'll give you all the time you need and the decision that you make,I don't want it to affect our friendship okay?" I said
"Yeah,it won't I promise. Look I will talk with you soon okay?" She said
"Yeah,I'll see you soon." I said

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