Chapter 6

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Dan's POV:

Alex and I have been together for a few weeks now but it feels like we've been a couple for years. Our prom is today and I've never been so nervous. I just can't wait to see how beautiful Alex will look.

I arrive at her house in a white limousine because why not? I want Alex to feel like a princess when she arrives at prom. I rang the doorbell and it was her sister Alana.
"Ooh,hello Dan. You're looking very dapper."
"Hey Alana, thank you very much." I said
"Alex,your date is here." Alana shouted
"I'll be down in a sec." I heard Alex shout from upstairs

Alex came downstairs in the most beautiful dress. Her dress was navy blue with sequins. When she got down the stairs,I was still smiling at her. Alex gave me a hug and a kiss.
"Well,hello handsome." She said
My face was getting red and I looked at my feet when she said that.
"Well, hello beautiful." I said while giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Who's gonna be taking us to prom then?" Alex asked
"Well M'lady,we are going to prom in a limousine." I said
"No we're not." Alex said
Alex pushed me out of the way and she gasped. "Omg I can't believe were going in a limousine Dan!" Alex said excitedly

We made got into the limo and Alex couldn't stop squealing. It made laugh a bit seeing her get this excited.
We decided to pick Mark and his date up on the way to the prom.

"Wow what a fancy ride,Dan." Mark said
"Thanks,Mark." I said
"So who is your prom date,Dan?" Mark asked
I just realised Alex and I haven't told Mark that we're together.
"Alex is my prom date,Mark" I said
"No way! So wait minute, are you guys a couple?" Mark asked
"Yes we are." I said quite proudly
"And you guys didn't tell me?" Mark looking shocked
"Well we didn't want to tell everyone that early." Alex said
"And how long have you guys been together?" Mark said while squinting his eyes
"Well we've been dating for two weeks." Alex said
"Omg and you guys didn't tell me?" Mark said while waving his hands around which was quite funny.

In the end Mark forgave us for not telling him earlier and we made jokes until we got to our prom. We got out of the limo and made our way to the entrance of where our prom was being held. Inside of the building was beautiful,the table and chairs were decorated with little candles on each table which gave it such a romantic feeling. We sat on a table with some other friends and enjoyed our meal. Later on the prom king and prom queen was announced,then we went to get our pictures taken which i wasn't too keen on. Alex and i decided to go to the photobooth and take some pictures ourselves which i enjoyed a bit more because everyone wasn't looking at us.

The song Candy came on and everyone started cheering,I wasn't because I cant really dance and i will look stupid. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. Alex was a really good dancer,I didn't know that she could. She did the right moves to the song whereas i didn't know what i was doing. After all that dancing I decided to go outside to get some fresh air where I met Mark's date, Sarah.

*Hope you guys like this chapter! Tell me what you think of it!*

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