Chapter 9

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Alex's POV:

*5 months later*

Me and Dan are now going to university and guess what we're going to the same one. Occasionally we bump into each other but we only give each other a friendly smile.
Recently I bumped into Mark's girlfriend or should I say ex and she told me the truth about what happened and now I feel like crap because I realised Dan was telling the truth. I can't believe I ended my relationship with Dan because of what she did. Why didn't I just believed him?

I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air because I have been couped up in my dorm room for a while. While on my walk I stopped by a little coffee shop. As soon as I stepped in the scent of coffee and pastries hit me. I ordered my coffee and just as I was about to leave,I bumped into a familiar face...Dan.

"Hey" Dan said shyly
"Hi" I said
"Um,can we sit down and talk?" He asked while fixing his glasses. I must admit he did look cute in his glasses.
"Yeah,sure." I said
We sat down for a few minutes sipping our coffees until I broke the silence.

"So what did you wanted to talk about?"
"Well,I want you to give me a second chance. Even if you don't believe me about what happened, I want to be with you Alex. I promise I will make it up to you." He said while trying to catch his breath
"First of all,slow down you talk so fast." I said giggling
"Sorry." He said smiling
"Mark's ex girlfriend told me the truth and I feel like an idiot for not believing you in the first place." I said
"It's fine,I might've done the same thing." He said
"So does that mean I get a second then?" He asks shyly
"Hmm,yeah I think so Mr.Smith." I said smiling


Dan and I decided to go to the park to catch up on stuff. I've missed cuddling with him,laughing about silly things,listening to all sorts of music and our late night conversations.

"Hey,I was thinking we should go out tomorrow night." Dan said while playing in my hair
"What you mean like a date,Dan." I said smiling
"Yeah,like a date." He shyly
"Aww,Dan you don't need to be shy about it." I said cuddling him
"So where are we going on date then?"
"Well,I was thinking of going to I know it's not the most romantic place bu-"
"Dan,it's fine. I don't mind as long as I'm with you." I said smiling

We made our way back to our dorm rooms and funnily enough we live in the same block. So Dan followed me back to my room and before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I entered my room and just laid on my bed looking at the ceiling and smiling like an idiot.

*Soo I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm trying to update more often. And thank you for 200+ reads and your votes! Your opinions do matter! :-)

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