Chapter 10

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Dan's POV:

After dropping Alex off,I headed back to my dorm room smiling. I'm overjoyed that we're back together and I'm hoping nothing silly will tear us apart again. Being able to cuddle with her again was the best thing ever.


Me and Alex are finally going on a date. I am happy but also nervous. Why am I nervous?
I tried looking decent for our date night. I decided to wear a black T-shirt,a blazer,jeans and a pair of white converse.

I went to Alex's dorm room and knocked on her door. "Just a minute" I heard her say. She opened the door and she was wearing a black dress not too long and not too short. Her curly was in a bun and she was also wearing black converse. "Does my shoes look okay with my dress?" she asked. I was amazed by how great she looked that no words came out of my mouth. "Hello,earth to Dan!" she said while waving her hand in my front of my face. I blinked a couple of times to Snap out of it. "Huh,what was your question?" I asked "I was asking you if my shoes looked okay with my dress?" "Oh yeah they look great" I said smiling. "Why thank you Mr.Smith. You're looking very handsome." Alex said smiling. "Thanks." I said looking at the ground.

We made our way to the pub and surprisingly it was quiet. It's never this quiet but I'm not complaining at all. We found a corner table and looked at our menus. "So what are thinking of having?" I asked
"Hmm,I think I might have burger and chips. What about you?" She asked
"I think I'll have the same." I said smiling
We made our orders and we chatted for a while till our food came.
After we ate our food,we had way too many drinks.
I wasn't too drunk, but Alex was extremely drunk. We were stumbling out of the pub and Alex could barely hold herself up. Just as she was about to fall I caught her. " Thank you" Alex slurred
"You're welcome" I said giggling

Luckily enough I managed to find our block and also Alex's dorm room. It was midnight and me and Alex were giggling away and I'm sure we were disturbing the rest of the block.
I was able to get the door open and sort of dragged Alex into her room. I laid Alex on her bed and took her shoes off then gave her a kiss in her cheek. As I'm about to leave I tripped over Alex's shoes and hit my head against the door,then I passed out.

*Hi! So I hope you like this chapter,please tell me what you think! And thank you for 300+ reads! :-) *

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