Chapter 19

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Alex's POV:

Dan is starting to worry me, I've called him about four times now and it's going to voice mail. I decided to give him one last call but then he entered the house. "Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick!" I yelled
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time because I went shopping." He said fidgeting "Shopping?" I asked
"Yeah, because your birthday is coming up. So I decided to look for something now, than wait last minute." He smiled
"Oh, okay. Sorry for yelling at you." I said
"It's okay. It's my fault that I didn't answer my phone." He smiled and hugged me

While hugging him, I realised that his cologne smelt different, it was more feminine. "Whose cologne are you wearing?" I pulled away from him "Um, it's mine." He said
"You're lying, Dan. Just tell me the truth." I said
"Okay...I met an old school friend and his wife and they both gave me a hug. That's why your smelling a different scent." He replied
I know he's still lying but I went along with what he said "Okay." I smiled
I decided not to ask anymore questions because I didn't want us to go to sleep angry with each other.


I had the day off today and decided to visit my sister and my parents. I haven't seen them in a while and we usually call each other but actually seeing them would be nice. Dan went to work, but I was still suspicious about what he was doing yesterday.

I got the train to visit my parents and sister and the train journey was three hours long, I forgot how long it takes to get by them. About three hours later I arrived by my parents in Birmingham. I knocked on the door and I was greeted by a screaming Alana. "Someone's really excited to see me!" I laughed
"Omg, I'm so happy to see you! It's been so long!" She hugged me
Me and my sister weren't always best buddies, but as we got older we got closer. After I got out of Alana's hug, I went over to my parents who were very happy to see me as well.
"Hello, Alex!" My mum squealed
"Hi, mum." I laughed
"Hello, Alex! It's so good to see you again after such a long time." My dad said hugging me

After greeting one another we all went out for a meal and talked about what's going on in our lives. "So, how are you and Dan?" Alana asked smiling "We're...good." I sighed
"Well that doesn't sound good." Alana said
"We're fine, I guess. I'm just overreacting at things Dan has done." I replied
"What has he done?" My mum asked "He came home smelling of someone else's perfume and he told me he met an old friend and his wife. And how that he hugged them and her perfume got on him." I said
"And do you believe him?" My dad asked
"Not really, I don't trust him" I sighed "I don't think you should be with him if you can't trust him, Alex." Alana replied
"I know." I said picking at my food

I really love Dan, but I don't think he loves me anymore. I mean he would tell me that he loves me and give me hugs and do all the things a couple would do, but I can tell the feeling is not there anymore.

After having a meal with my family, we went on a nice walk in the park, then we headed back home. My parents began looking through old photos and reminiscing on the fun times we had. I checked the time and realised that it is 4pm and that I should be making my way back home. I said my goodbyes to my family and made my way to the train station. I texted Dan to tell him I'm on my way back but he didn't reply. I finally got back to Camden and decided to give Dan a ring.
"Hey babe." Dan said
"Hi, are you okay? I'm back from visiting my family." I said
"Oh, did you have a nice time?" He asked
"Yeah, I did and I can't wait to see you." I smiled
"I can't wait to see you too." He laughed
"I'll see you soon, bye." I replied "Bye." Dan said back

On my way home, I passed so many restaurants and thought about going to one of them with Dan on the weekend. But while passing one in particular, I saw Dan sitting with a woman giving her a kiss.

*Hiya! Thank you for reading my story! Hopefully you liked this chapter! Tell me what you think! And also comment and vote they matter! :)

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