Chapter 11

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Dan's POV:

I woke up in bed with a banging headache. "Oww" I said holding my head then I realised I had a plaster on my forehead. "Oww, how did this happened?" I said. I sat up in bed and realised that I wasn't in my bed...I'm in Alex's. How did I get in her bed if I was leaving her room last night?
I sat on the end of the bed to put my shoes and as I bent down the pain was even worse.
The door creaked opened and it was Alex wearing a pair of sunglasses. "Hey,how are you feeling?" She asked
"Terrible. I feel like I've been hit by a car."
"Here you'll need a pair of these sunglasses for when you go out there. And you should have some water." Alex said handing me the sunglasses and a glass of water
"Thanks. How did I ended up with this plaster in my forehead?" I asked
"Well,I woke up and met you by the door,so I presumed that you hit your head on your way out but you obviously didn't." Alex said
"Oh,I see. So how are you feeling?" I asked
"Well, apart from the huge headache I have,I'm feeling fine." Alex said smiling
"That's good. I'm glad that you're fine. Well, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later." I said as I headed to the door
"Yeah,I'll see you later." Alex said
I gave her a kiss before I left

A couple days after after my humongous head ache, Alex and I decided to have a quiet night in. Alex cane over to my room,so I tried to make my room look presentable. I bought some chocolates and popcorn and also a bottle of wine because why not? While getting everything ready I heard a knock,I rushed to the door and greeted Alex.

"Hey babe." I said smiling
"Hey babe?You've never called me that before?" Alex said smiling
"Should I call you something else then?" I asked
"No,I actually like it." Alex grinned
Alex made her way in my room and sat down on my bed.
"Wow,the last I was here,it was a right mess." She laughed
"Well,I'm hope you're proud of me." I said laughing
"Haha,yeah I am. I'm proud of my babe." Alex said smiling
"What are we gonna watch?" She asked
"Well,I have Twin Peaks?" I smiled
"Hmm,I've never watched it before." She said
"Where have you been,babe? How can you never watched it?" I asked
"I don't know really,but we can watch." She laughed

I put the DVD in the player and we cuddled on the bed. We ate way too many chocolates and popcorn. After Twin Peaks was finished we just laid on the bed for a couple of minutes, making funny faces at each other and giggling like children. After a couple of hours, Alex decided to go back to her room.
"I had a great time Dan." She said smiling
"Me too. I wish you could stay a bit longer." I said pulling her into a tight hug
"I know,but at least I'm just down the corridor." She said smiling
"I know,but I wished we lived together. We could always get a flat together." I said
"That's a great idea. I can't wait!" Alex said giggling
"I love you." Alex said
"Love you too."

*Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently, I started university and I have been busy :-( . But thank you for 500+ reads,I really appreciate it and also your likes! Tell me what you think of the story so far! :-)

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