Chapter 18

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Dan's POV:

I woke up and I was quite happy to go to work. I have to admit that I don't get this happy about work but since Sarah started working there and our little meet up yesterday, I had a reason to. I don't know why she's making me feeling this way. I kissed Alex and waved her goodbye as I made my way to work. I got to work and saw Sarah, my heart literally started beating faster as she approached me.

"Hey, good morning." Sarah smiled
"Um, morning." I said nervously
"I was wondering if you would like to meet up again after work?" She smiled
I wanted to say no but for some reason I just couldn't keep away from her. "Yeah..sure. I'm down for that." I replied with a nervous smile

The day went by quite fast, but I didn't care because I was gonna see Sarah after. I looked at the clock and realised that it's 1 o'clock which means its lunch time. I finished up the work I was doing, then left to get something to eat. I decided to go to my favourite coffee shop, then i heard a familiar voice. "Dan!" Sarah shouted from her table located by the window. "Hey" I smiled
I got my coffee and sandwich and went to sit with Sarah. It sort of felt good being in her presence but in the back of mind, I keep thinking about Alex.

Seeing Sarah laugh at my not so funny jokes made me smile. Admiring her face, which I've never done before, I realised that when she laughed or smiled her dimples appear.

While Sarah was telling me a story, I couldn't help but just stare at her, the way she uses her hands when explaining something to the way she flicks her hair. "Hello, are you even listening Dan?" She furrows her eyebrows
"Yeah, I am." I smiled
"Then tell me what I just said." She smirked
"Erm, something about a rabbit?" I asked
"No, Dan!" She punched me in the arm playfully
"Ow! I'm sorry if I was just admiring how beautiful you are." I laughed
"Oh thanks Dan!" She blushed
She leaned over and whispered "I could kiss you now but I'll be saving them for later." She smiled

After lunch we went back to work and I definitely could not wait till work was over. I kept looking at the clock hoping it's 4 o'clock, I sighed as I realised it's only 3 o'clock meaning I have an hour left. I tried to finish up my work then before I know it, it was 4 o'clock. I pack my stuff up and left the building. I got outside then I saw Sarah waiting by her car, I walked up to her and gave her a smile.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked
"Yeah, I am." I smiled
Again my heart started beating fast, being with her made me feel some sort of way.
"Where are we going by the way?" I asked
"Well, we're going to the park." She smiled holding my hand
"Oh okay." I replied

We got to the park and I took my seat belt off ready to get out of the car, then Sarah stopped me. "Are you sure you want to be with me? I know you really love Alex, and if you don't want to do this, then it's fine. We'll just stay out of each others way and you can get married." She said giving me a reassuring smile
I shook my head and held her hand. "No, I'm really starting to like you...a lot and I know we didn't really get off to a good start years ago. But I feel like there is something there, you know?" I said still holding her hand "Yeah, I know. I think I was just like that because I couldn't have you and I can't really have you now either because you're engaged." She said with her head down
"Look, I will try to make things work." I smiled
She looked at me and gave me a small smile, then before I knew it my lips were against hers.

Ten minutes into our make out session, my phone began ringing but I ignored, the only person that could've been calling is Alex. We were in Sarah's car for about an hour, then I decided to check my phone and I had 4 missed calls from Alex "Shit" I said "What is it?" She asked "Alex, I have 4 missed calls from her. She is going to kill me." I panicked
"Oh...that's not good at all. I'll drop you off close to your house." Sarah said "Thanks that would be great." I smiled

*I hope you like this chapter. It's getting close to the end! Will Dan tell Alex the truth or will she find out for herself? Thank you fro reading my story this far and remember that your votes and comments do matter! :)

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