Chapter 2

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Dan's POV:
The idea of me and Alex dating have been in my head all week,thanks to Mark. I must admit that I have had a crush on Alex since we first met,but I decided that I wanted to be friends first and now Mark has brought all my feelings back for Alex.
If I tell her how I feel,she would probably not want to be my friend, snap out of it Dan she would probably laugh it off.

*A Week later*
"Hey Dan!" Alex screamed. My heart began beating a thousand times faster as Alex gets closer. "Hi Alex, how are you?" I said while clearing my throat.
I'm hoping she doesn't bring up what Mark said last week.
"So...what Mark said last week about us dating was quite funny huh?"
What the hell,she brought it up. If I dont stop acting weird,she'll know that something is up.
"Yeah...Mark's really funny,but it's weird how he just left us though?" I said trying to change it from the whole dating thing and just before Alex could reply,Mark shows up.
"Well hey there buddies!" Mark shouted.

"Hey Mark" me and Alex said in unison.
"Were you guys having a lovely talk before I showed up?" Mark said looking directly at me.
"No, we were just asking how were each others weekend were." I said hoping he would end there, but he didn't.
"Oh,I thought the two of you would have gone to dinner on the love birds." Mark said grining like a Cheshire cat.
"Why would you say that Mark,what makes you think that me and Dan are dating? Alex said.
"Well, I can tell by your body language and the way you look at each other." Mark said.
At this moment my palms are sweating,but why am I so nervous,its not like I told Mark that I like Alex. So why am I terrified like he is going to tell my secret?
"Well Mark,me and Dan are just best friends and there is nothing going on between and can we just leave like that please?" Alex said calmy.
Sure thing. Mark said and with that we all went to our lessons.

*On my way to English, Mark pulled me to a corner*

"I know that you like Alex, Dan." Mark said.
"Umm,no I don't" I said even though it's true.
"Yes you do Dan,just admit it. I see the way you look at her and your body language,is totally different." Mark said.
"Fine" I huffed. "I do like Alex, but promise not to tell anyone?" I begged.
"I promise I won't tell anyone. I can't believe I was right. Do you think Alex likes you?" Mark asked.
"I doubt it,she probably only sees me as a friend" I said.
"Stop being so pessimistic Dan, maybe she likes you but she is too shy" Mark said while patting my back.

*On my way home from sixth form*

"Hey Dan wait up!" Alex and her sister Alana runs to catch me up. Right now my heart is beating fast and I feel like I will blurt something that I don't want Alex to hear.
"Hey Alex and Alana,I thought you guys were getting a lift home?"
"No,we decided that we are going to walk it home today since we don't live that far." Alana said.
"Oh,that's nice. Whereas I have to pass where you live to get a bus home which really sucks."
"Aww I know. I feel for you" Alex said jokingly.

Alana went home while Alex walked with me to the bus stop and for some reason I actually enjoyed having her walking with me.

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