Chapter 14

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Alex's POV:

It's been two weeks since Dan's mum funeral and Dan has just gotten worse. He's been having nightmares, panic attacks and taking his anger out on me. I've tried helping him but he keeps pushing me away, he even pushed away his Dad. Dan hasn't been to work since his mum's death and locks himself in the bedroom. I don't know if I can hang on any longer.
Today, I woke up and realised that Dan wasn't in bed again. I went to the living and to my surprise he's not there. He's probably gone on one of his jogs again. I took a shower, got dressed then as I was walking to the living room I heard the door handle jiggle.
"Hi babe" I said
"Hey honey" Dan said panting
"Did you have a good jog?" I asked
"Yeah,it was good. And now I'm happy to be back home to see your beautiful face." He said pulling me in to kiss me
Dan being happy all of a sudden shocked me. This is the first time in weeks he has shown any type of affection,but I'm glad that he's happy again.
"What do you say we go out for a romantic meal tonight?" Dan said holding my waist and giving me a kiss on the neck
"Yeah,that would nice." I said giving him a kiss
"Great,I'll go make the reservation then." He said making his way to the phone
I really don't want to question his sudden change of mood because I'm scared he'll get angry.

*Later that day*
We got a taxi because we both wanted to have alcohol tonight. We arrive at the restaurant and it was the most fanciest place I've ever been in my life. We sat down and there were rose petals scattered on the table.
"Wow,this is so romantic." I said smiling
"Yeah,it is. This place is quite expensive but it is worth it." He smiled while holding my hand

We ordered and ate our meals, then we decided to order dessert. I saw Dan winked to the waiter which I found to be weird,but I didn't question it. Then Dan was just staring at me and it somewhat made me uncomfortable.
"Dan, is everything okay?" I asked worryingly
"Huh, oh yeah I'm fine." He said still staring at me
"Then why are you staring at me?" I asked
"Oh, um, I'm just admiring how beautiful you are." He said smiling
"Oh al-" Dan cuts me off
"Look Alex..." He stops to clear his throat
"I'm so happy to have you in my life right now. Being with me in my darkest times and also my happiest times. I've never thought I would meet such a beautiful, caring, funny and intelligent woman."
At that moment Dan got down on one knee and opened a small box and in it was the most beautiful ring. My heart was racing and thought I was gonna pass out but that would be embarrassing passing out right in front of your boyfriend proposing.
"So,what I'm really saying is um, Alex, will you marry me?" He says smiling nervously
"Of course I will!"
Everyone in the restaurant started cheering and clapping. Then the waiter brought out a cake with the words "I love you Alex" written on it. "This is amazing,Dan!" I said crying
"Well,I'm glad that you think so." He said giving me a kiss

Hey so...hope you like this chapter! Please like and tell me what you think of it! And thanks for reading! 😊

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