Chapter 15

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Dan's POV:

I've been feeling at bit better these few days and yesterday I had the courage to propose to Alex. So I now have a fiancée and I couldn't be happier, I just wish I could've told my mum the good news.
While I was thinking about my mum,I heard the doorbell rang. I did a little run towards the door and opened it expecting it to be Alex,but it wasn't.
"Hey, Dan how are you?" The woman replied
"Hi...who are you?"
"How can you not remember me Dan, it's Sarah. Remember we met at the pub?" She asked smiling
Then I remembered who she was, she's Sarah from sixth form, the one that almost ruined my relationship with Alex.
"Why are you here?" I asked
"Well,last week you told me to come by your place so we can chat."
"I don't remember telling you that, Sarah. And you can't be here because Alex will be here soon." I said
"Well, you were drunk when we met, so that's why you can't remember." Sarah replied
"Oh, but you have to leave now." I said not looking at her
"No! I'm not leaving, you said you wanted to chat so we're going to chat, Dan!" She snapped
She pushed passed me and went straight to the kitchen and got herself a drink.
"Oh, just help yourself." I said sarcastically
She completely ignored what I've said and started walking around the room.
"This is a nice place you've got." Sarah said while taking a sip of her drink
"Um, thanks."
"Dan, you know what I really want?" Sarah asked as she placed her drink down
"You, Dan." She said while placing her lips on mine
"What the hell are you doing!?" I asked
"I want you, Dan. I want to be with you." She pleaded
"I'm sorry,but that is not possible. You need to leave now." I replied
Just as I was about to lead her to the door,I heard the door knob rattle and the panic started setting in.

Hey! Sorry that this one took ages! It has been a bit hectic but I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Tell what you think! :)

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