Chapter 8

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Alex's POV:

I can't bloody believe what happened last night! I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. Dan texted me and I told him to go away. I really don't want to talk to him or even see him.

"Hi,Alex are you okay?" Alana asked
"Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped back
"Look,Alana I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just want to be alone." I said
"Please,Alex you need to talk to someone!" She said
"I said I don't want to talk about it!"
"Fine, I'll leave you." Alana said angrily

The doorbell rang and I could hear my mum speaking to someone, but I can't hear figure out who it is. So I tried tiptoeing down a few stairs and then I saw who my mum was talking to...Dan.
Why is he coming over after I told him to go away?

"Alex, someone's here to see you." My mum shouted from downstairs
I tried running back but my mum caught me.
"Alex are you coming down?" My mum asked
"No,tell him to come upstairs."
I went into my bedroom to fix my face because I don't want him to see me in a mess.
While I was was fixing my makeup,I heard a soft knock and I turned around to see Dan standing in the doorway.
"Hey,can I come in?" He asked shyly
"Sure." I said
"Look alex,I'm sorry about last night. She just came onto me and I couldn't get away."
"If you are making excuses then please stop."
"I'm not making any excuses Alex! You have to believe me. I would never cheat on you!"

He tried holding my hand but I pulled away. At this point tears are running down my cheeks and Dan walks over to hug me. I tried pushing him away but he kept hugging me. We sat on my bed still hugging each other while Dan told me what happened that night,then he put his hand against my cheek,then he kissed me.
"I think you should go Dan." I said not looking at him
"I'm sorry. But please believe what I've told you." He said as he left

*Hiya! Sorry that this chapter is late :-( I will try uploading more often! :-)
I hope you like it and please leave a comment or a vote! :-) *

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