Chapter 12

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Alex's POV:

5 years later

Dan and I have finally graduated university and our relationship is still going strong. We've finally got a flat together and loving every minute I spend with him. I'm a graphic designer and Dan is a photographer but he still loves his music,just listening to him sing makes me smile

Dan makes his way in from work and gives me a big hug. "How was your day?" I asked
"It was okay today, it wasn't too busy." He said yawning
"That's good." I said giving him a kiss
"So,what do you want for dinner then?" I asked
"We can have pasta?" He said
Before I can answer, the phone ran. "I'll get it." Dan said running towards the phone
"Hello,dad what's wrong?" I heard Dan say
"No,she can't be! Dad please tell me you're joking?" I heard Dan screamed
I walked to living room and Dan is in the floor in tears. "What's wrong, Dan?" I say while crouching down to his level
"My mom..." He said sobbing
"Your mom? What's happened?!" I said getting really worried now
"Sh- she's dead." He finally said
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Dan. How did she died?" I asked
"She got into a car accident." He said crying
He turned to me and cried on my shoulder. I couldn't help but cry either. She was like a second mum to me and now she's gone just breaks my heart,I can't imagine how Dan is feeling. We sat on the floor for about and 1 hour,till Dan finally got up.
"I- I'm going to meet my dad at the hospital." He said trying to compose himself
"I'm coming with you, you're in no state to drive." I said
"Thanks." Dan said trying not to break down in tears again

After going to the hospital,Dan stayed with his dad for a while. I'm really not in the mood to eat anymore,today is a really sad day. It's almost 10pm and Dan hasn't called me so that I can pick him up. As I was about to call him,the phone rang. I picked it up and it was Dan's dad. "Hello,is everything okay?" I asked
"No,Alex. Dan is having a panic attack. For the last hour I've been trying to calm him."
"I'll be there soon!" I said panicking
I rushed outside to the car and made my way to his dad's house

I got to his dad's house and saw Dan in a corner crying. "Alex,I'm really happy you're here. Maybe you can calm him down and take him home."
"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" I asked
"Yeah,I'll be fine" He said giving me a reassuring smile
"I'm going to check on Dan now." I said
"Okay, hopefully you can calm him down." He said

I enter the living and saw Dan pacing back and forth. I've never seen him like this before and I'm really worried. I don't know if he'll be able to get over this.
"This c-can't be happening!" He said talking to himself
"Dan,please it's time to go home." I said while trying to comfort him
"No, I want to stay here with my mum!" He shouted
"Dan,she's not here. She was in a car accident,remember?." I calmly said
"No no no!" He said crying
"I was talking to her earlier, she can't be gone!" He shouted
"Come on, I'll take you home."

*Hey! So I hope you liked this chapter! Feel free to leave a comment. And thank you for 600+ reads!*

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