Chapter 2

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Cough cough

Rebecca was thankful that her savior was carrying her. There was no way she could move that fast in her three inch heels and princess dress. The smoke was thick and hard to breathe, she didn't know where they were going or how her savior could still move and breathe as they made their way down the fire escape stairs. Maybe she had passed out because when she woke up, she found herself lying outside on the cement ground and breathing in the hot humid Thailand air.
She sat up and looked around but she couldn't see her savior.

"Rebecca! Rebecca!" She could hear somebody calling her name.

"Ri..Ritchie!" Rebecca croaked, she hadn't realized how dry her throat was.

Ritchie spun his head when he heard his name.

"Oh Rebecca! Thank god you are alright! Whose jacket is this?" Ritchie rushed to Rebecca's side and pulled the jacket off of her head.

"I..I don't know. I was stuck in the elevator and somebody saved me. This is his jacket."

"This jacket is kind of small. Are you sure he is a man?"

"I'm not sure. My savior didn't say a word to me. He or she carried me through the fire. Is everyone okay?"

"You mean that pompous self absorbed jackass husband of yours?"


"Yes, everybody is fine. I was so worried when I didn't see you. Look at you! Covered in soot and smelling like a piece of burnt toast. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No. Just my throat is a bit dry. I was lucky, my savior saved me. Speaking of which, did you see anybody with a burnt wound on their forearm? My savior blocked a burning frame for me. I really want to thank him...or her."

"No, I was too busy looking for you. I hadn't noticed anyone else. Let me call Winnie and tell her that I found you."

Rebecca never found the person that saved her that night. Apparently a devoted delusional fan was angry that his favourite artist was not nominated for an award he thought she rightly deserved so he rigged the theatre with multiple small bombs hoping to burn down the venue --symbolizing the destruction of the rigged awarding system. It was a tragic night that had taken the lives of 15 innocent fans and production crew members. Thankfully the firemen had arrived in time to put out the fire but the award ceremony was postponed indefinitely. Life continued on for Rebecca and her hectic schedule -- she had fan meets, photoshoots, attended workshops, gave interviews, filmed commercial endorsements, and recorded a new music album. Three months passed in a blur where she barely saw or talked to her husband. The people she sees the most were her personal assistant and her manager Winnie. When she had any downtime, she would usually go back home to visit her parents and Ritchie rather than stay by herself in Nop's luxury condo. Somehow, they usually miss each other with their hectic artist schedule. Rebecca knows that Nop dislikes her family and the feeling is mutual, so she never asked if Nop would like to join her and he would never ask. Their choice of activities when they are free are completely opposite, Nop likes to go out and see his friends whereas Rebecca prefers to stay at home to destress and recharge.

"Hey, what is your schedule like for next Friday? Want to watch the football match together? It is going to be wild! Manchester against Arsenal." Ritchie asked Rebecca when he popped his head into her bedroom.

"Oh! This Friday? I would like to but I have another award ceremony to go to."

"Another award! Damn Rebecca, why are you so good at what you do? Do you want me to go with you?"

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