Chapter 9

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Rebecca's thoughts: The scar looks...familiar. Fire? Is she? Could she be...?

The filming of the show had to continue but Rebecca couldn't focus. She was dying to question Freen and she could not wait till they were done. Somehow Freen's grilling technique combined with Rebecca's unique sauce became the star of the show at which they scored a perfect 10 from all the judges and consequently winning the title best cook of the night. Rebecca didn't even care that she won, she did her fake celebrity smile and if somebody had asked her what happened during the second round, Rebecca would most likely not be able to answer. The second round was a blur to her after finding out Freen's scar.

"Annd Cut! Good work everybody. That's the wrap." Rebecca immediately grabbed Freen's hand to drag her to the break room, unfortunately she kept bumping into people who had wanted to congratulate her and ask her for the recipe of her sauce. Rebecca had no choice but to make small talk since her parents had always taught her to not be rude to others. She held onto Freen's hand while she talked as if she was afraid that Freen would leave without her, which was unlikely given that Freen is her manager and they had come together. And so, Freen stood next to Rebecca quietly listening to Rebecca chat with Mind, other production crew members, and even Heng. He absolutely loved the prawn and could not stop raving how good it was. His praises boosted Freen's ego and she grinned happily. Rebecca hadn't been able to get her moment of privacy with Freen until they were packed up and Freen was going to drive her home.
Freen was completely oblivious to Rebecca's turmoil, she was still thinking about her prized river prawn. As soon as Freen started her car, Rebecca asked, "Freen! Explain!"

"Explain? Explain what? The prawn?"

"No! Forget about the prawn, explain how you got that scar."

"Eh? I burnt myself in a fire." Freen replied innocently.

"Which fire?!" Rebecca growled, she loves talking to Freen but sometimes getting details from her is like pulling teeth, you have to work hard for it and be specific.

"The Suphannahong fire. You know what happened, you were there."

"So it was you! Why didn't you say anything! I didn't know it was you that saved me!"

"I thought you knew."

"It was so smoky and you covered my head with your jacket. I couldn't see anything."


"OH? That's all you have to say? Why didn't you tell me! We've met and talked so many times and you didn't think to mention it to me? You saved my life! You got hurt because of me!"
Rebecca shouted at Freen. Freen didn't understand why Rebecca was so agitated.

"Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad. I have been trying to find the person who saved me for months. I just can't believe that you were right in front of me the whole time!"

"You didn't ask me." Freen added and Rebecca's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe Freen had the audacity to say that. 

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW TO ASK YOU!" Rebecca shouted in the car.

"Ahh you're right. You didn't see me. Oh well, now you know. It isn't a big deal."
Rebecca huffed and puffed, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples to calm herself down.

"Are you having a headache?"


"Okay." Freen happily changed the topic and talked about how good the prawn turned out.

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