Chapter 40

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As Freen was guiding Rebecca to the auditorium with Irene, something caught Rebecca's attention from the corner of her eye. She paused as she stared at the backside of one of the particular worker for the caterer company. There was something familiar about the way that worker stood and walked that Rebecca couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was that bothered her. 

"BB? What is it? Why did you stop walking?" Freen asked softly when she noticed Rebecca wouldn't budge from her spot. 

"Come on Becky! What's the hold up?" Irin asked as well as she also tugged Rebecca lightly towards the auditorium. Rebecca shook her head as if to get rid of a thought and followed Irin towards their seats, but after being seated for five seconds, Rebecca couldn't ignore her instinct and got up. Alarmed, Freen also stood up as well but Rebecca stopped her and said, "It's okay, P'Freen, I'm just going to quickly check on something. I'll be right back."

"Check on what? The opening ceremony is about to start in a few minutes." Irin questioned her as well. 

"I thought I saw someone familiar. Don't worry, I'll be right back once I said hi." Rebecca reassured both of them and gave Freen a reassuring pat on her hand as she turned back to where she spotted that familiar backside. Rebecca spent a few minutes trying to find that server and just when she was about to give up, she spotted the worker walking down to the hall. 

"Excuse me! Hello! Excuse me!" Rebecca shouted but the worker kept their back turned and briskly walked into a room. Rebecca followed and found herself in a dark room, she moved her hand on the wall trying to locate the light switch when she suddenly felt a hand grab her wrist and pulled her into the room. Rebecca landed hard on her knees and scraped her hand in the process of breaking her fall.


"What the hell! Why...YOU!" 

"Why do you always have to ruin EVERYTHING!" Winnie screamed at Rebecca. 

"Me!? You have taken everything from me! I should be the one asking you!" Rebecca gasped and continued, "why? What did I ever do to you for you to do this to me? I can understand greed when you stole from me...even though I don't justify it, I can understand the temptation of greed; but you stepped over the line when you targeted Freen. Why? Why her? Why me?"

Winnie starred at Rebecca with cold calculating eyes and then slowly started laughing.

"You don't know. You don't remember? HAHAHAH" Winnie laughed hysterically, "am I that insignificant to you that you don't remember? All you've ever done was take and take from me! Everything that I had ever wanted."

"What are you talking about? What did I take from you? When did I take anything from you!" Rebecca demanded to know. Winnie closed her eyes and started recounting Rebecca's offenses that started when Winnie was in her teens. Winnie was a few years older than Rebecca so she had started her journey into the entertainment business earlier than her, however starting earlier doesn't mean that her career ever took off. In her early years, 95% of the roles she auditioned for ended with rejection.

Rebecca did not know but she had crossed paths with Winnie long before they had actually introduced themselves, but Winnie remembered. Winnie remembered every rejection she got and every role she had lost to Rebecca. Rebecca may not remember, but Winnie had actually auditioned for Thailand's Got Talent. At that time, Becky was 8 years and Winnie was in the same age group as her. The panel's verdict was harsh and bashed her for not being charismatic enough, pretty enough, or having that wow factor that they were looking for. Years later, in her teens, Winnie tried to audition again for a modelling job. She lost that to Rebecca yet again. Then in her late teens, she auditioned for a small role in a drama series and Rebecca won that role even though Becky burst into the room late, completely unaware how the panel judged Winnie harshly. It made Winnie bursting with jealousy as she watched behind the scenes how they gushed at Rebecca for her beauty and unique features due to her mixed heritage.
In her early twenties, her parents gave up on supporting her dream and told Winnie to stop chasing dreams and face reality---Winnie was not meant to be an actress. Forced and pressured by family, Winnie had to be practical and actually have a steady salary job as she was recommended to work behind the camera rather than in front since clearly, nobody liked her enough to watch her. 

Fate had it that she became Rebecca's manager as her first job in the entertainment industry. Winnie hadn't started out hating Rebecca and she was good at her job managing Rebecca's schedule, picking and coordinating the right jobs for Rebecca. She played a huge role at paving Rebecca's road to stardom; but somewhere along the way, the brighter the Rebecca's stardom glowed, the nastier and bitter Winnie's jealousy infested. She saw all the possibilities she could have had, and her dreams of fame in Rebecca--- her artist that she helped create and someone she wanted to be for herself. The last straw was how loving and supportive Rebecca's family was towards her when her own family crumbled. Her father left when he met a new woman and her mother fell into a gambling addiction. She started skimming the books and taking more than her agreed commission from Rebecca's jobs to cover for her mother's debt. Her justification was that Rebecca didn't need the money and Winnie should be credited with more of her share since she was the one who got Rebecca the job.

None of it was Rebecca's fault but Winnie couldn't stand to see everything she had ever wanted be shoved right in front of her face day in and day out. She thought Rebecca's life was too perfect.
It is not fair! What is so special about Rebecca Armstrong! She has taken every job from me! I'm prettier! I can sing better! I can dance better! I can certainly act better! Why should she get everything working so well for her? Her perfect family. Her perfect husband.

Rebecca was flabbergasted when Winnie finished retelling her past history, "how is it my fault? You still haven't answered me why Freen? She is innocent. She never did anything to you." 

"True and she is only guilty of being in love with you and you to her. I hadn't wanted to attack her but you were always with her and the opportunity arose, I'm not going to be ungrateful and not take an opportunity when it gifts itself. It was too easy. I could have made some easily money but that also flopped! I don't know how but I know you had something to do with it. Everything in my life is ruined because of you. ALL YOU!"

Rebecca got up and looked at Winnie wearily, she started to realize that there is no rationalization with Winnie. "So... why are you here? You know you have no where to go. You should turn yourself in before I call the police to have you arrested." 

"You won't. At least not until I have left the premises." Winnie gloated and held up a small black device with a toggle button, "I have a small bomb attached to the bottom of your seat. You may have ruined my plans by not being in your seat but I know your precious Freen is seated next to you. You will let me leave here safely and quietly if don't want me to blow Freen's ass into smithereens."

"You wouldn't. How did you even get a bomb?" 

"I made it. There are a lot of DIY videos on the internet." Winnie sneered at Rebecca, "you don't believe me?  Do you dare risk Freen's life?"

Rebecca couldn't say anything. Winnie knew that Freen was her weakness.  

"I didn't think so. I'm going to walk out of here and you're going to quietly and obediently stay in this room until someone rescues you." Winnie laughed thinking she would be able to escape again. She slowly walked backwards and turned the doorknob to exit the room. What she didn't expect was to suddenly have a fist punched into her face as she fell backwards and the device fall out of her hands. 

Time seemed to have suddenly stopped, as Rebecca watched how the device slowly dropped on to the ground --toggle switch landing first and switching it on before the entire device broken into a dozen pieces. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOoo!!!" Rebecca screamed as she scrambled to save the device but failed.

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