Chapter 30

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The filming of the series continued and though the filming of the drama series was not in parallel to the episode to be broadcasted, the process was more that 50% completed. The last 50% of the filming left were the big scenes that were super dramatic --- bedroom scene, breakup scene, and the ending. As Freen went more in depth and analyze her character Khun Sam, it made her realize what she was missing with Rebecca. She understood that Khun Sam was a fictional character but she couldn't help relating her personal life to her, all of the Khun Sam's character flaws and fumbling and with Mon was an eye opener for Freen because she could relate to it. In Freen's mind, Khun Sam's reaction and thought process was completely logical and made complete sense. By reading the rest of the script and the reactions of the drama's other characters did Freen finally understand that she was wrong.  

Freen's thoughts: I want what Sam and Mon have. I want to bite her, hold her hand, kiss her... just be around her all the time. I ...don't need to borrow money and I don't think she needs my money, she's richer than I am... but if she needs it, I am more than willing to lend her money. 

I don't want to be her friend. I want my girlfriend status back. 

hmm.... but how do I get Rebecca to change her mind about me? About us? 

Ah! I know, I'll google it. 

Freen typed in the search bar 'How to get a girlfriendon google. 

1) look goodI don't think I look bad....I always look decent. I guess I could wear the clothes that Becky bought for me more often. If she picked it, she must have liked it on me.

2) smell goodI can do that. I can buy perfume. I heard there is this new perfume that has this chemical called pheromones that inspires attraction. I should order one online. Maybe I should order the whole collection, she might not just like one specific scent. 

3) Be interesting. Be yourself
Be myself? How can I be interesting and be myself at the same time? This advice is useless! If being myself was the solution, I wouldn't be searching up how to get a girlfriend in the first place. Grr.... this is so frustrating. Maybe I should ask an expert...


It was 7am in the morning, and Freen woke up extra early to prepare her outfit for when she drove to pick up Rebecca and drive to work together. She wore light blue sundress that Rebecca had picked out the last time she took Freen to the mall. Right before Freen left her bedroom, she sprayed a generous amount of the newly bought perfume on herself. 

How much should I put on? Maybe another spray wouldn't hurt, I will be out all day so it has to last. 

Right. Look good. Check. Smell Good. Check. Time to pick up BB. 

The extra time was not enough, Freen arrived at Rebecca 10 minutes late and Rebecca was already at the lobby entrance waiting for her. When Freen's car arrived, Rebecca opened the car door herself and got in. 

"Morning P'Freen, how come you're....[cough] what [cough] is that [cough] smell?" Rebecca was coughing frantically as she opened the car window to let some air out. 

" it is my new perfume. Do you like it?" Freen asked sheepishly. 

"It's [cough] a bit [cough] strong. Can I keep the window open? I think I need some fresh air." Rebecca wheezed, she didn't want to hurt Freen's feelings but the perfume was pungent and Freen put way too much that it was almost suffocating Rebecca. It took a while before the perfume dissipated a bit and Rebecca could breathe without coughing. She glanced at Freen suspiciously, "p'Freen, what is the occasion? Why are you in a dress?" 

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