Chapter 39

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Ever since they had their first taste of intimacy at the hospital, the couple had become much more clingy and touchy towards one another. If they were in the same room, they would naturally gravitate towards one another and have some part of their body touching. If they weren't next to one another, their eyes somehow find one another and both girls would blush knowing what they know about each other. Freen had gotten slightly better when it comes to facing the public and seeing the bad comments, although she still suffers from anxiety, it helps having Rebecca by her side when she goes on stage or conduct interviews. Best of all, was knowing that Rebecca loves her, values her, and respects her amidst all that is happening. If Freen had to suffer in order to gain everything she has now-- a girlfriend and a lover, she would willingly do it all over again with no hesitation. 

There were so many big events that impacted Freen's life, since the police had raided Winnie's house, the police found the actual full video which (somehow it 'leaked' to the public) revealed that Freen was being carried into her home by none other than a co-worker due to her leg injury while filming on set. The video proved that Freen did not have another secret relationship nor was it ever a romantic rendezvous video. As a result, Freen's public image went a drastic change from a scarlet woman to a victim of having having her privacy violated. The second drastic change was Freen's relationship with Rebecca. Although Rebecca agreed to be honest about their relationship, Freen actually undergo a complete reversal on her decision, she took P'Beer's advice to heart and told Rebecca that she would rather they not openly declare their relationship status. 

"But P'Freen, it is unfair to you for me to keep our relationship hidden. I really don't care if I lose my career." 

"I care! I don't want that on my conscience knowing that I may have a hand in bringing your downfall. Maybe... think of it this way, I don't think I have the capacity to deal with the negative backlash once we declare our relationship. I...I've more than enough on my plate. As long as you and I know the truth, why do we have to tell other people what it is? We don't owe them an explanation. I don't want anymore eyes on us. I can't ...stand it." 

"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want P'Freen?"

"Yes. 100 percent." 

"Pinky swear and no backsies"

"Pinky swear, stamp and sealed." 

"If people ask us, what do we say?" 

"Um...say that we are close friends. No, say that we've always said--we are sisters." 

"Alright. If at any point, you feel like I've neglected you or made you feel small, promise me that you tell me right away. I am ready at any point to be open about us." 

"Okay! Agree." 

 And so, under their mutual agreement, Freen and Becky instructed Idol Factory's publicist to issue an official statement on three points-- firstly, that the leaked pictures of Freen and Becky kissing was simply a rehearsal for a scene in their upcoming production series. Secondly, Freen and Becky's relationship is simply a sisterly relationship not a romantic relationship. They would like to thank their fans for shipping them because it gave them confidence that their chemistry will be through the roof once the series comes out. Lastly, that Freen had been experiencing being stalked, blackmailed, and threatened by Winnie and that she has pursued legal actions against Winnie. If Winnie is spotted, please notify the police regarding her whereabouts and to not make a citizen's arrest. 

Days turn into weeks, and in an blink of an eye, three months passed by with the drama series officially aired on TV and on Youtube. The first episode reached 20,000 viewers, second episode reached 53,000 viewers, and by the time it reached episode five the viewership had reached more than 200 thousand. The numbers kept climbing at an exponential rate with the series' success and popularity surpassing everybody's expectation both at a national level and international level. Because Saint's decision to release it on Youtube, the drama had reached audiences all over the world such as the Philippines, Brazil, US, Japan etc. It opened markets and deepened Idol Factory's pockets at the potential Freen and Becky's job opportunities internationally. 

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