Chapter 25

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Rebecca's thoughts: I can't let you go. I'm sorry. I want you to stay with me.

Rebecca has always been the type to meet a problem head on rather than dwell on the issue and circle it to death. For Freen's issue, her approach was just the same. Although Freen never spoke of it, Rebecca had already planned a detailed action plan in her head as well as a few backup options in case her plan didn't work out. Her plan was to introduce Freen one step at a time to get her comfort level, she started by broadcasting short lives whenever she was next to Freen but never quite showing her on camera. Rebecca would be jamming and dancing to a song in the car and try to get Freen to sing along with her. Nine out of ten times, Freen would smile and sing along with her while she was driving, only realizing later that Becky had been recording. Rebecca never explicitly addressed Freen's fears and neither did Freen speak of it, but it gave comfort to Freen that being recorded and on camera may not be as intolerable as she thought.

Step 1: Guide Freen to become comfortable having a live broadcast.

"P'Freen, I am going to go live on TikTok. Would you like to join me?"

"You're going live here? Right now? Wouldn't people know that you're not at your home?"

"That's fine, if you're next to me. I'll introduce you at the same time and tell my fans that I'm hanging out at your place."

" me clean up a bit."

"P'Freen, you don't need to, it is not like you're having actual guests at your home. All they will see is just a bit of the background and our faces. Here, come sit next to me." Rebecca patted for her to sit on the floor next to her, she had propped up her ipad on the coffee table. Freen obediently followed Rebecca and sat down next to her.

"Ready?" Rebecca leaned towards the screen to enter the password because she didn't put on her glasses, and Freen followed Rebecca and leaned in as well. Rebecca moved back once she logined and started recording but Freen wasn't aware and Rebecca's live broadcast started with a close up of Freen's face.

idwl0&8: Hello?

ape-ma_122: What is that?

"ah...P'Freen, can you back up a bit?" Rebecca laughed. Freen looked back at her and moved back. "Hello angels! Did you get to see a close up of P'Freen? It is our day off today and we went to the mall for a bit of shopping."

Smiley_al: Hi becky! you're so cute <3

Toothless: What did you buy?

"What did we buy? P'Freen what did we buy today?" Rebecca put her hand on Freen's lap to get her attention, she was staring intently at the screen trying to absorb everything that was happening. Freen was making sure that the background wasn't showing anything but her white condo walls, she was looking at the number of viewers who joined the live (2K) and it intimidated her, and lastly she was staring at how fast the comments were appearing and then the hearts/flowers/gifts were popping up. She dragged her eyes from the screen and looked at Rebecca when she felt her hand on her thigh.

"Beck, didn't you pick out all the clothes for me today? Why are you asking me that?"

a.w.lkn: ohhhhh becky is your stylist?

ss_1357>r: sugar mama!

pp_eno: Freen you're so handsome! I follow you on IG!

Pine_nuts: I love you! Show us what you bought!

"P'Freen! Of course I know, but they don't know."

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