Chapter 16

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Freen, Irin, Nam had dinner together after the photoshoot. It lasted late into the evening at which the girls pestered Freen with questions after questions how Saint casted Freen. Freen was a tad shy and embarrassed but she always told the truth. However, getting the answer depended on how the question is phrased and asking the right questions because Freen would not freely give out information about herself and her thoughts.

"Freen, when did Saint ask you?"

"8 days ago."

"ohhh, and you never said a thing! I'm mad now" Rebecca sulked.

Irin ignored Rebecca's pout and continued questioning Freen, "did you express to Saint that you wanted to be in front of the camera instead of behind it?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why did he cast you to be the main lead?" Nam asked.

"He said he liked the chemistry between Becky and I." Rebecca blushed as she thought about the kiss. Can't refute that.

"Auiii" the girls gushed.

"Saint is smart! The pictures came out amazing! I never noticed how photogenic you are. Did you enjoy your first experience being in front of the camera?" Nam asked again.

"No, I hated it. I hate being in front of the camera"

"Huh? What? If you hate it, why did you agree to star in a drama series?"

"Becky's dream."

"Huh? My dream?" Rebecca parroted Freen's answer.

"Oh my, oh my, are you telling me you agreed to do something you hate for Becky? For her dreams? That is so...romantic" Irin sighed, "if you were a man, I would be all over you right now." Rebecca's hand automatically smacked Irin on the head. Irin glared at Rebecca and fixed her hair.

"Why?" Rebecca asked, "why would you do that for me?"

"Because I can and he asked."

The girls were silent as they all thought about Freen's answer, it seemed simple but the magnitude of her action spoke volumes.

"Why?" Nam asked again.

"Because I can and he asked" Freen repeated.

"No, I meant why do it for Becky. What is your relationship with her?"

"I don't understand. I do it because I can and because Saint asked me." Freen cocked her head to one side like Nam had asked her to find the answer to string theory. Irin tried to ask in a different way but Freen kept on going in circles and repeating the same answer, until finally Rebecca called to a halt and changed the subject. She was half embarrassed to know Freen's answer and the other half disliking how the two girls seemed to be ganging up on her Freen with the interrogation. Rebecca navigated to safer topics such as what they thought were the best looking pairs during the photoshoot, new music, and the latest movies.

When they paid for the bill and left the restaurant, Irin asked if Rebecca would like to hitch a ride with her since her home was on her way.

" thank you. I'm riding with P'Freen." Rebecca answered Irin shyly.

"Eh? Why? Does she live closer to you than me? If so, why don't we go together and you can drop me."

"Hmm...she lives in the opposite way, closer to IDF office." Rebecca was hesitant to reveal Freen's location.

"Wait..a minute. Are you sleeping over at her place?"

"Yes, she is. It is our 6th night sleeping over." Freen proudly volunteered that bit of information as if the length of the sleepover was a reflection on how good she was at having sleepovers.

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