Chapter 18

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"No, it in fact makes me want to get our GL series in motion faster. The fact that you were there and protected her is like handing me a golden goose to use as promotion. Whoever wants to hurt her is not going to win." Saint grinned, "Don't worry Freen, I'm not letting you go that easily. You're going to be a star."

Even though Rebecca was physically fine, she was still in an agitated state of mind, it bothered her that there was someone out there that disliked her that much to pay someone to humiliate her. Most of all, it bothered her that Freen would automatically put her own health and safety second to herself and once again she owed Freen for protecting her. She loves acting and performing as an artist but sometimes the toxic reaction of fans and underhanded practices of the entertainment industry drained her and left her desolate at the ugliness of humanity. She never understood why some people needed to trample on others just to feel their self-worth. Rebecca knows that there is goodness in the world and she has experienced it through her family and friends but the one percent of those that are not, leaves a much more bitter taste and lasting effect on her soul. As soon as she cleaned up and updated her family on her recent brush of events, she popped open her iPad and started her live show on Tiktok.

"Hello my lovelies, I'm deeply, deeply sad today. I want to repeat that today's incident is not acceptable and I will be seeking legal action on the perpetrator. I can accept criticism on my singing, on my acting, and even my modelling but I will not accept or condone when violence or physical harm is inflicted on me or people around me. I am an artist and I love your support of my work but my personal life and my life choices are my own."

fan2103: Is Freen ok?

"How is Freen? P'Freen is physically fine and I am very grateful that she came in the nick of time. It all happened so sudden that I didn't have much time to react."
angels_beck: so shocking! We'll protect you.

colaCola_: Freen is so heroic. Just a manager?

"Thank you so much. We are all a family and I know that you will protect me. This may come as a surprise, but Freen...actually I can't say but there will be an announcement soon. Freen isn't just a manager, she's ah...she's..." Rebecca trails off not finishing the sentence because she in fact is not too sure what her relationship with Freen is after hearing Freen growled that she is nobody to her.

j_king: She's what?

big fan: complete the sentence!!

Nav2033: She's WHAT? What is she to you?

Rebecca ignored all the comments and circled back to proper fan etiquette and then updated her fans of her recent projects. She ended the broadcast earlier than usual because Freen was on her mind. She wanted to talk to Freen.
She paced around her room for a bit and looked at the clock.

It is only 8:38pm in the evening, she couldn't possibly be sleeping. She would have gone to the hair salon and finished cleaning her hair by now. Should I call? It isn't too late right?
I'm going to call.

[ring ring]


"P'Freen, it is me, Rebecca."

"I know. I have your number saved."

" are you?"

"I'm fine. I finally got all the paint out of my hair. Kim also colored and did a hair treatment. I sat for four hours. I have never sat down for so long just to do my hair."

"May I see? Facetime me."

"Okay." Freen closed and called Rebecca on facetime.

"Wow. The new color suits you. I like that slight tint of brown and it is so glossy."

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