Chapter 15

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It was the day of the GL pilot photoshoot and Saint still hasn't heard back from Freen, Saint was nervous as he was putting all his hopes on to Freen agreeing. He had asked for a loan to fund this series and this was his one shot-- sink or swim. His gut instinct was screaming at him that in order to make this GL series the breakthrough, he needed Rebecca and Freen's chemistry.

Saint Message: Have you decided?
Freen Message: Yes 

Saint Message: You will do it? For Rebecca?

Freen Message: There are conditions. Need to discuss.

Saint Message: Of course. I'm at my office right now. Freen Message: Ok. On my way.

"YES!" Saint did a fist pump in the air, he has gotten Freen one foot in and he was confident that he will get her other foot and buy into his idea. While Saint was celebrating his half victory, Freen was busy calling Rebecca.

"Morning Bec" Freen chirped while Rebecca just grumbled, "Hm?? What time is it?"

"Around 8:30 in the morning, I know it is still too early for you but I just want to let you know that I won't be picking you up and taking you to the photoshoot. P'Fai will be there today."

"What? Why aren't you taking me there? What happened?" Rebecca is fully awake now."I have a meeting with Saint to discuss some things."

"What things? Is he moving you to take care of another artist? If he is, I can talk to him. I don't want another."

"Nong, it isn't like that, don't worry. Remember to pack your water bottle and I'll see you later kha. I need to go and I'm driving right now."

"Wait! Don't...hang up yet." Rebecca was annoyed but also concerned, "he better not take you away." Since Freen woke Rebecca up, she decided to get up and start her day early to prepare for her pilot photoshoot. Usually Rebecca would know who her fellow cast mates are by the time the pilot photoshoot begins but so far, she hasn't gotten any notice who they are and what other supporting characters there will be, she figured Saint still hadn't quite decided who will be starring which characters and wanted to have a photoshoot as a test run before officially announcing the cast. All she has received notice on was a summary of the GL drama series where she is going to play a 22 year old intern who falls in love with her boss.


Rebecca's thoughts: I wonder if P'Freen is finished with her meeting with Saint. Should I message her and ask? I would see her tonight after work anyways. Speaking of which, am I sleeping over at her place tonight or is she sleeping in mine?

Am I taking advantage of her inexperience on sleepovers? It is our sixth day sleeping together, she hasn't said anything and I don't want to stop.
What if she asks someone about our weird arrangement, I don't even know how to explain it to other people. Optics wise, it sounds weird but we literally don't do anything sexual, we simply sleep...together. I mean sleep next to each other.
So occasionally we cuddle and P'Freen likes to put her hand inside my shirt and on my stomach but that is it! She doesn't move her hand above or below.
Does it mean anything? I don't know.
Do I want...

"Earth to Becky! Are you there? Hello!!" A hand waved in front of Rebecca as she realized that Irin was in front of her. "Gummy Bear! Hi! What are you doing here?" Rebecca asked in surprise.

"I've been trying to say hello to you for the past 5 minutes. I'm here for the photoshoot! What has gotten you in a daze!?" Irin said.

"Oh! You're in this series too!! I'm so happy! Oh my, there is P'Nam too! She's in this too!? I'm so happy and excited!" Rebecca jumped in happiness as the three girls hugged one another in happiness that they would be working together on a series again. The trio chatted while they waited to see who else would be casted in the series, they were all wondering who would be Rebecca's love interest. They saw Oaey, Noey, Mind, Nat, Heng, Seng, Baitoey and Jaja. There were other actors and actresses that they were unfamiliar with as they walked into the studio, but the girls had a blast discussing what kind of character they may possibly be playing based on their physical features. They watched the production set up the scene and watched the racks of different costumes being rolled in. The last person to come in was Saint himself followed by Freen.
"Eh? Why is P'Freen here? She didn't tell me she was going to come today." Rebecca wondered out loud."

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