Chapter 13

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Freen's thoughts: For Becky? Does she really need me? I've never acted before.

Over the next couple of days, Freen kept thinking about Saint's words on and off throughout the day. She has never wanted to or had any desire to be in front of the camera with eyes watching your every move, recording your every reaction, nor did she have any idea how to act. Freen is more than willing to help Rebecca in any way she can (although she had no idea why she had this willingness to only help Rebecca), but she couldn't wrap her brain around the idea that Rebecca needed her. Rebecca was talented in her own way. 

Freen received the brief that Saint promised. The plot was between two women who are completely different in social status, age, and personality who fell in love. One was born from a royal family who owns a business, while the other is an intern who has had a crush on her since a young age. She had applied to her crush's company in hopes to see her not knowing that they would fall in love with one another.

Freen's thoughts: Sounds complicated as f***. There is no way I can do this. I don't know how to act. Becky doesn't need me, she is an amazing actress by herself. People can't be that blind and not see that. She is super talented in everything she puts her mind to. 

"Hey Freen, did you know your artist Rebecca is doing a live broadcast! She hasn't done one in a long time!" P'Beer asked, she is one of the other artist managers at IDF.

"Where? I didn't know." Freen asked excitedly.

"Tiktok" P'Beer replied, "do you even have an account?"

"No" Freen replied.

"Here, watch from my phone." P'Beer offered and sat next to Freen as they watched Rebecca's live together. Beer Sirphan is one of the few people Freen trusts and talks to since she was her mentor that first guided Freen on how to be an artist manager. Freen's eyes soften when she saw Rebecca's face as she talked about her recent projects and how she misses her fans. There were still some hurtful comments that Becky chose to ignore as she sang some Taylor Swift songs and commented on her upcoming projects. 

"Her viewers are less that what they used to be. She used to have thousands of views each live, now it's just around eight hundred." Beer commented. 

Freen's thoughts: Oh...that's not good. I didn't know. Is this what Saint was referring to? hmm... she is also wearing very little clothing. She should wear a cardigan on top of that camisole. 

Freen takes Beer's phone and types out "wear a cardigan" in the comment.

"Hey! That's my account! She'll think it's me!" P'Beer protested. "She's going to think I'm a mother nagging at her daughter."

"Oh right. Sorry I forgot." 

SuperFly: What do you want right now? at the moment?

"What do I want...hmm...oh milk tea! Recently a friend introduced it to me and I am absolutely addicted to it. It's late in the evening, but if I could drive, I would definitely go out right now and have milk tea." Rebecca responded to a fan's comment. The comments then exploded with fans asking the same thing-- who was the friend.

WhoopWhoop: Friend? 

user37204: which friend?

cap_ri_corn: ohhh friend <3 

Ry_Ry: friend? is it your manager?

Freen didn't see the next portion of the live as she suddenly got up from her chair and left the stunned Beer in the room. 

"Freen, you're not going to watch anymore? Where are you going?" Beer asked Freen as she sees her race out of the room.

"I need to go see a person about a drink. Bye P'Beer." Freen shouted 

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