Chapter 6

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"I'll be fine P'Freen. Please go take a rest under the shade and have some food. I haven't seen you eat or rest the whole day. I can handle this." Rebecca gently pushed Freen to the trees before she walked towards the set.

The last photoshoot of the day was set at the beach where Rebecca had to stand by the shore in six inch heels and a short skirt. It was a struggle to navigate your step on the jagged rocks as well as standing still and posing in front of the crashing waves, but Rebecca had managed and the pictures were absolutely stunning. When the last picture was completed, Rebecca looked a drenched puppy shivering in the cold as she wrapped her arms around herself to not only conserve her body warmth but to also to give herself some decorum as the water had made her costume slightly transparent.

As soon as the photographer shouted that his shots are completed, Freen immediately jumped to Rebecca's side and wrapped her with a blanket for warmth and to protect her modesty.

"Th..Thank you" Rebecca shivered. Freen responded with her usual grunt and rubbed her hands up and down Rebecca's arms as she guided her away from the crashing waves. After a few steps, Freen suddenly stopped Rebecca, turned her back to Rebecca and knelt down.

"Hmm?" Rebecca looked down at Freen, not quite understanding what she wanted.

"Hop on."

"Oh no! no! I'm fine, I can walk. Besides, I am really heavy." Rebecca replied.

"You already have blisters from your heels. Hop on." Freen didn't allow Rebecca a second chance to refuse and pulled Rebecca's arm over her shoulder and towards her back, she flopped on to Freen's back with an 'umph' and Freen carried Rebecca with ease back to the foldable chair at the artist rest area.

Rebecca's thoughts: this normal artist manager behavior? I can only compare it against Winnie... and she has never done that for me. Freen has such a strong back and she smells really nice. 

Ahhh my feet feels so much better now that my weight is off of my feet. I hadn't even realize my feet were hurting.

Once Freen reached to her chair, she gently lowered Rebecca to her seat then proceeded to grab a small towel to dab Rebecca's face in an attempt to get her dry and without messing up her makeup. Not used to this type of service, Rebecca shyly averted her face to stop Freen and took the towel from Freen to pat herself dry. Rebecca was still reeling at being carried by Freen that she hadn't noticed Freen had knelt down by her feet with a first aid kit, she took one of Rebecca's feet, took off her high heel and place Rebecca's bare foot on her lap.

"Ack! Freen! What are you doing?" Rebecca exclaimed in shock.

With one hand holding Rebecca's ankle and the other making a small slap on Rebecca's calve, Freen scolded at Rebecca, "hold still." She ripped open an alcohol wipe and tenderly swabbed against Rebecca's broken skin caused by the high heel, afterwards she softly blew on the cut so that the sting from the alcohol would lessen before proceeding to place the band-aid on Rebecca's small toe and on the back of her heel. Freen was too absorbed in her task to notice Rebecca's blush but other crew members had noticed. One had even recorded it on her phone because the moment was too sweet and tender.

"Stay. Let me get your sandals." Freen took out Rebecca's sandals and instead of laying them out on the ground for Rebecca, she personally took each of Rebecca's foot and slip them on one at a time. Other than an stuttered thank you, Rebecca was too embarrassed to comment on Freen's act of service. Throughout her own career, she has had only Winnie's to compare with and she was confused with Freen's style of taking care of an artist as it was a completely different level of care. The gestures were too tender and too caring but the fact that Freen performed them as if it was the most normal thing made it hard for Rebecca to comment.

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