Chapter 10

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Freen took Rebecca to one of Black Pink Lisa's favorite mookata restaurants in Bangkok. As usual, Rebecca let Freen take the lead at ordering and deciding to eat outside using the coal grill rather than the electric grill. Freen claimed that using the traditional coal grill makes the meat taste better and adds the extra flavor that an electric grill can't. Rebecca was determined to use this opportunity to get to know Freen at a deeper level because she knew that Freen would not willing volunteer unless she was asked. Freen isn't secretive about her personal life, it just never occurred to her that anyone would be interested in her, she had always thought--- actually she just never have given it much thought to it. 

"We'll have one large combo A and add a pan fried oyster egg. As for drinks, I'll have a milk tea and she'll have a coke. That's all, thanks" Freen spoke to the waitress. When the waitress left with their order, Rebecca asked Freen, "P'Freen, what is your family like? I know you told me you don't have any siblings and that is all I know. "

"Hm? Um family. I live by myself. I ordered coke for you, is that alright?" 

"Yes that is fine. Come on Freen, you've met my mom and dad. You haven't met Ritchie but I've told you about him. I know nothing about your mother or your father." 

"My mother died when I was born and I never knew who my father was. I was raised by my grandmother but she passed away when I was 12." 

"Oh...I'm...I'm sorry." Rebecca was taken back by Freen's answer. She was expecting Freen's background was so stark and bleak.  

"Don't be. Why should you? She passed away because of old age." Freen said as a matter fact. The waitress came back with the grill and the plates of food, which gave Rebecca a few moments to recollect. 

Wait...if her grandmother passed away at 12. Who raised her? 

"Who did you live with after your grandmother passed?" 

"Nobody. I lived by myself since then." 

"What? You were 12! Are you telling me you were living alone since you were 12? You had no other relatives?" 

"Yes. My mother was an only child and we used to live in the country side. Granny and I moved to Bangkok when I was 10 because her health was deteriorating and needed special medical assistance in the city. Granny raised me to be self sufficient and independent, but yes, I have lived alone since I was 12. Here, try this." Freen gave Rebecca some cooked vegetables mixed with noodles and Rebecca took it automatically. 

"how...did. If this is too personal, you don't have to answer me, but did your grandmother leave you an inheritance? You took care of her ...funeral? at 12? Did you go to school? Didn't the school know? Isn't there child services in Thailand? You didn't go to foster care?" 

"Um... not sure what foster care is, but yes I took care of her funeral. It actually costs a lot and Granny did leave me an inheritance but after the funeral costs, it didn't leave me much. I had to find work while I went to school so that I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. Luckily I looked more mature than my age and was about to pass as 17 year old. Sometimes it was difficult going to work while going to school but I managed and finished high school and an university degree."

"Oh my gosh...that is amazing. You're amazing. What kind of jobs did you have? Who hires a 12 year old?" 

"What is this? Are you interviewing me?" Freen laughed as she put more food onto Rebecca's plate, "I've done a lot of odd jobs like waitressing, walking dogs, opening a small food stand, courier, baristas, stocking inventory, factory worker, cleaner etc. I think it is easier to name jobs that I've never done rather than jobs that I've worked as. Enough about me, how about you Bec? What is your childhood like?" 

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