Chapter 32

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The filming adjusted to Freen's injury by filming her above the waist and focused heavily on her facial expression and expressive eyes to convey the plot. For the people around her that had witness her progression since day 1 of Gap the Series, they would all agree how much Freen had evolved as an actress and as a person. Freen was no longer the cold, indifferent, and emotionless AR manager they had all once knew but a warm and caring individual with a warped sense of humor. Another thing that has not escape people's notice was how attached Freen was to Rebecca and vice versa, they are constantly within each other's orbit from working together, eating together to even going to the washroom together and leaving to and from work. 

Many of their cast mates and production crew teased them, and today's filming was not an exception. 

"CUT! Good take everyone." Freen immediately dropped her act and looked behind the camera for Becky, as she early got up and waved for Becky to come to her side. 

"That was spectacular, babe" Rebecca grinned as she helped Freen up and handed her crutches. 

"Thank you, kha. Let's go to the washroom." Freen smiled warmly at Rebecca in return. Rebecca blushed and slowly followed behind Freen as she made her way to the washroom. 

"Washroom again! This is the 5th time! You should really see a doctor Freen about your small bladder, and why do you always have to go with her Becky?" One of the filming producers asked loudly while others snickered and smiled. 

"It is dangerous, what if she slipped?" Rebecca replied. 

"Riiighhtt, even though Freen has been in and out of there safely for the past 20 times. Are you sure it is nothing else? Like a mosquito who seem to love marking your skin and making you use so much concealer to cover it up?"

"What?! No!" Rebecca exclaimed and quickly walked away while covering her neck.

As soon as Rebecca and Freen was in the private washroom, Rebecca rushed to the mirror to see if the marks were really apparent on her neck. Freen flipped the lock, placed her crutches to rest against the door and gave Becky a back hug. 

"P'Freen!  I thought you needed to go to the washroom!" Rebecca struggled half heartedly as she covered Freen's arms that were wrapped around her stomach. 

"Later," Freen mumbled, "I missed you. I need some encouragement." 

"Miss me? I wasn't even out of your sight! And I gave you 'encouragement' right before the scene you just finished filming!" 

Freen whined, "Pllleease? That felt like ages ago. One more mumu for the day, I'm exhausted and tired. Didn't you see how hard I was acting?" 

Rebecca chuckled, turned around and locked her hands around Freen's neck, "P'Freen, we need to come up a better way of ... this. Why do you always want to meet in the washroom?" 

"Oh! I did it for you. I thought you have a fetish for washrooms."

"Huh? Fetish? What are you talking about?" Rebecca wrinkled her brows in confusion. 

"...well you kissed me... remember? At my place? I thought the rule just... you would like kissing only in bathrooms." Freen admitted but looking at Rebecca's face, she's starting to think she made the wrong conclusion again. 

"No! Absolutely not. I will tell you 100 percent that I do not have a fetish for washrooms. I'm not comfortable to kiss in public, but I am not restricted to ONLY washrooms. I just keep it private between us. Are you okay with that?" 

"Okay. I'm okay with anything as long as you are okay. Now... may I have some encouragement please? I have a super super dramatic scene to do next." And with that, Rebecca didn't hesitate to lift her lips to meet Freen's and gave her the best encouragement she could give to Freen, something that would leave her breathless and wanting for more. They were encouraging each other for quite some time until Freen's phone pinged with the sound of a text message notification and Rebecca broke away with a frown at the interruption. 

Freen glanced at her phone and her eyebrows burrowed as she read the message on her phone. 

Unknown number message: I know what you did that night. SLUT. 

"What is it? Everything okay?" Rebecca asked in concern. 

"Hm... yah, just spam." Freen answered offhandedly and Rebecca had a feeling that Freen was telling her a lie. Rebecca hated when Freen closes herself from her, and she had secretly hoped that this time around (even though they hadn't explicitly declared their relationship status, that Freen had learned from the past and not make the same mistake of closing her out). Freen placed her phone down and reached out to Becky, but Rebecca already started pulling away. At the same moment, one of the assistant producers knocked loudly against the bathroom door to let them know that they needed to go back on set. It didn't escape anyone's notice that both of the girls clothes were slightly wrinkled and their lipstick was smudged and barely on their lips. When Tipsky the makeup artist saw both of the girls, he simply just rolled his eyes and went up to them to repair their makeup. He muttered under his breath what was the point of reapplying when it was going to disappear after each scene, but he was secretly very happy for both of them. 

In between filming, Nam pulled Freen to the side and asked her point blank what was the deal between her and Rebecca. Freen hesitated for a moment but decided to share her thoughts and the current situation between her and Becky since Nam has always been supportive and trustworthy to keeping secrets. 

"Um... to be truthful, I'm not sure myself. A while ago, Becky had asked for a break and change our status but when I'm with her nowadays... we are ... more intimate? Closer? To each other than when we are friends. We're friends but not friends? Sister? Girlfriend? I... don't know."

"For one thing, we can cross friend off the list because there is no way anyone would make that kind of lovey dovey eyes to my friends. Friends certainly don't smudge each other's lipstick." Nam said.

"Becky licks her lipstick away all the time." Freen said defensively.

"Sure she does, like 10% of the time while the 90% is by someone else. In all honesty, why don't you just ask her? Stop tiptoeing around each other. You are approaching thirty for goodness sake." 

"Is it really necessary? I like where we are, and as long as Becky is with me I don't care what my title is." 

"Yes it is necessary! It is not just for other people but for both you to be clear with your intention and commitment with each other. You may think she knows but unless you say it and communicate with each other, she doesn't know what you think and you may not know what she really wants. And another thing, do you even know why she wanted that break and be friends with you? Do you even know what went wrong?"

Freen went silent.

"You didn't ask did you? Or even try to find out." Nam gave Freen a 'how could you' look. 

"I didn't want it to ruin what I have right now."

"What do you have? Cause even you didn't even know how to describe it."

"What are you? A lawyer? Stop interrogating me. And People say I'm the scary one." Freen cried defensively.

"That's because I know you. You project this cold bitch face but really, you're a softie. Soft as tofu." 


"Seriously though, you should really talk to Becky about this. Be clear. Talk to each to other and don't assume anything. Assume makes an ass out of you and me. HAHA get it?" 

"Your jokes are lame and fine! I'll ... do something about it." Freen replied. Freen decided to officially take Becky out for a date and officially reinstate her status. It had been on her mind for quite some time, and Nam had only motivated her to take the initiative. There was only a small window until their big and last day of filming (the wedding scene) and Freen wanted to have that date before it happens, sort of a backup consolation prize. If all things went downhill, at least she would have one more day of seeing Rebecca and have a pretend perfect ending. 


A/N: I had to take a break away to resolve some family issues. Apologies and thank you for waiting and following this story. I'll update as soon as I can. 

Happy belated birthday Rebecca! Happy 21st.

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