Chapter 5

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The sun was shining brightly when Rebecca arrived on time at Idol Factory head office. The office was buzzing when news spread that Rebecca was going to sign a contract with Idol Factory, many had not seen such a big celebrity join their new budding company and were star struck. It stroked a bit of Rebecca's ego that she was still recognized and admired despite her recent scandal on the entertainment tabloids.

"Nong! Always so punctual!" 

Saint exclaimed and greeted Rebecca warmly, "come! Come with me to my office and we can discuss in private." They entered into Saint's modestly decorated office where Rebecca laid out all that she knows regarding her existing contractual jobs. Saint reviewed it in silence and then proceeded to present Rebecca two documents -- one was his plan to relaunch Rebecca and second was the agency's contract to sign Rebecca under Idol Factory. The meeting went on for a few hours where Saint discussed in detail what his expectations are and what his company can offer, at which Rebecca listened attentively and expressed her concerns and what her own expectations were. Rebecca was much more careful this time regarding contracts and managers after being burned badly by her former manager- Winnie. She didn't want to go through another experience of being too naïve and trusting, this time, she wanted to be more hands on and vocal about her wants and needs.

Finally after several hours of talking and negotiations, Rebecca signed the contract.

"Rebecca Armstrong, you are officially part of the Idol Factory family." Saint smiled and shook Rebecca's hand.

"Thank you P'Saint, thank you for giving me this opportunity and taking me on."

"You're too humble. I should be thanking you for taking a chance on me and my small company. Oh, before you go, I should introduce to you your new manager/Artist Relation, she will be working closely with you" said Saint.

"Ah, this may be a strange request P'Saint, but would you have a manager who too friendly?" Rebecca said shyly and continued to explain herself, " I'm not saying be mean to me, just be in a professional manner. It's may not have heard about Winnie, but betrayed me and ...I don't...I just don't want a repeated experience."

"Ahhhh, I understand kha. I may have a person in mind." Saint replied as he picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Amber, could you please send her in?

Great, we are at our office. Thanks."

Saint placed the phone down and looked at Rebecca, "she does an amazing job taking care of our artists but a lot of artists are a bit afraid of her because of her stone face. She's not into small talk so a lot of our young artists' feel put off with her demeanor."

"She sounds perfect. Just what I need at the moment."

Saint reiterated to Rebecca again, "I want to stress that she is really really good at her job and very detail oriented, so don't be offended if she isn't much of a conversationalist."

Their conversation was interrupted by a brief and abrupt knock on the door.

"Please come in." Saint replied as a slim woman walked in, "thanks for stopping by, I want to introduce to you our new idol joining Idol Factory. This is Rebecca, and I would like to assign you as her manager."

Before Saint could continue with his introductions, Rebecca interrupted, "P'Freen?"


"You two know each other?" Saint's eyes widened in astonishment, "That's great! Then I don't need to break the ice for you two. What a relief! Freen, please stay a bit with Rebecca to go over her schedule.
I actually need to go.

Rebecca, you are in very good hands. Freen here, will take care of everything. Feel free to use my office to talk while I'm gone". 

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