Reyna abruptly rises from the Hospital Wing bed that she had been unconscious in, her eyes darting around the room. George was slumped in the chair beside her, snoring gently. Despite his obvious discomfort, he had remained in his seat all through the night, a testament to his loyalty and care for her. Reyna's heart swells with gratitude, touched by his steadfast presence.
Hermione was lying next to the witch in the bed and Harry had his head resting on the bed, slumping out of the chair. The witch gently strokes Hermione's hair causing the witch to unconsciously snuggles into her side.
"Miss Lupin,"
The sound of Albus Dumbledore's voice causes Reyna to look up at the eccentric old wizard. Something never sat right with Reyna about the revered wizard but she was never sure why. But if there was one thing Reyna trusted, it was her gut.
"I would like you to walk with me, Miss Lupin,"
With utmost care, Reyna tenderly lifted Hermione from her and hushed her when the girl stirred. The student and headmaster made their way out of the hospital wing, the only sound echoing in the halls being the soft murmur of the portraits that remained awake in the stillness of the night.
"I am here to pass on some most concerning news," The twinkle in the old man's eyes was starkly contrasting his words. "Sirius Black broke out of his holding place in Hogwarts and is believed to have escaped on Buckbeak, a Hippogriff that managed to escape its shackles before its execution"
"That is concerning," Reyna replies as a small smile forms on her lips before it quickly fades. "My dad-"
"Mr Lupin is currently in the Forbidden Forest, a spell is up preventing him from escaping the forest," Dumbledore informs the witch. "But I do believe the sheer expanse of the forest will be sufficient for him. I have Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey waiting to assist him when he transforms back"
"Will he remember-"
"Unfortunately I believe he will, Miss Lupin,"
"This is going to crush him," Reyna whispers. "Even though he wasn't in his right mind, he won't forgive himself. All he'll remember is the fact that he nearly killed me"
"Then your job is to remind him you are alive," Dumbledore replies. "You must remind your father what it means to live, even when faced with pain and strife. Children bring joy to their parents even when all seems dark"
"How come you didn't have children Professor or adopt?"
"Some people are born to parent, much like your father. People like myself are not meant to parent but rather guide young people in another way which is why I chose to teach and when I became Headmaster, I wanted to create an environment where all feel welcome. But sometimes even things are out of my control, such as the events of this night"
"Professor, did you know the truth about my mother?"
"I did," The Professor's face turns grave. "Your mother was one of the kindest souls I ever had the pleasure of knowing but the allure of darkness was too strong. Your father tried to help her, we all did but sometimes there is only so much you can do to help someone"
"How long do you think I have before she sends the Burned Ones?" Reyna asks.
"Your mother has always been a very strategic woman," Dumbledore informs the witch. "She will strike when she believes you are at your weakest"
"Professor, I cannot be on my guard at all times," Reyna states.
"While you're here, our faculty will be vigilant but Burned Ones have been around for over a millennium and magic can only slow them," Dumbledore sits on a bench and Reyna takes a seat next to him. "You and Mr Weasley are our only hope of defeating them"
"What truly happened with my mother?"
"Your mother knew you would be powerful from the moment you were born," The Professor begins to delve into the tale. "When you were born, your parents had not long left Hogwarts and she had already been swayed to the dark side. Your mother believed if she took you from your father that she would raise you to be on the side of Voldemort. But when your father caught wind of her plans, he whisked you away from her after a fierce fight. I believe your mother knows you would never side with her meaning you pose a great threat to the next war"
"You truly believe there will be another war?" Reyna asks.
"That night, Voldemort did not die," Dumbledore informs the girl. "I tell you this in the utmost confidence, but I believe that one day he will accomplish returning to his full might and there are wizards who still are loyal to him, no matter how well they hide it. When he returns, they will be by his side. As much as I hate to say this, there will be another war and Voldemort may even go as far as attempting to recruit you because you would be a powerful ally to have Miss Lupin"
"What if I refuse?"
"Then you are a threat to him and he will seek to destroy you,"