Bakugo Hanako

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Name: Bakugo Hanako

Age: 15

Birthday: 27/03/XXXX

Quirk: quirkless

Family: Mitsuki(mother), Masaru(father) and Katsuki (brother) Bakugo
Katsuki is almost 16
Has two cousins, they are twins. They are 18. The girl is Cho and the boy is Mitsuya.

Appearance: long straight dark chocolate hair, red eyes, soft nose and perfectly shaped lips. Almost flat chested. Her butt is inexistant. She's quite short (5'2) and is light but strong (don't forget she trains with Katsuki).

Personality: soft with her brother and the victims she saves, and cold with others. Toward villains, she has no mercy.

Like: Katsuki, spicy food, to kick villains' ass, to sleep, math and almost every subject in school but mostly math

Dislike: failing, Deku, villains, heroes who aren't real

Power 4/5

Speed 5/5

Agility 5/5

Intelligence 5/5

Cooperativeness (with Katsuki) 4/5
Cooperativeness (with others) 1/5

Her vigilante suit is a big black hoodie with the hood on. She wears gloves and sweatpants. She has combat boots and protection on her knees and elbows under her clothes. She has a black mask on her mouth and nose and her hair is tied up in her back. People think she's a guy since she never revealed her gender, and she is flat chested. She has a Katana on her belt, knives in hidden pockets in all her suit, tasers on her hips she can take out whenever she wants and a gun that shoot sedatives. (She rarely kills the villains, only if she can't do anything else or must defend someone, usually, she just stops them, ties them up and leave them to the nearest police station).

I hope you liked that, it's just the presentation but still, it's a beginning.

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