Chapter 5

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A week after the pool event, Katsuki's camp starts. When I say that, I mean the students meet at 8 am and Kat is still running in the house at 7:52 am, trying not to be late and getting his things done.

I walk with him to his school. His friends (even if he doesn't call them that) were basically all waiting for him. They greet me happily and I wave at my brother. I don't feel right about this whole thing. I feel like... Something is going to happen. It's like a 6th sense, I have always had that.

Suddenly, strong arms pull me back into a chest. I can recognize this muscles anytime.

"You're such a softy" I chuckle softly.

"Shut up, I'm not" He responds aggressively.

"Oi, calm the fuck down" I tell him off playfully in an attempt to mimic mom.

"Stop that, you sound like the hag" He grunts.

"That was the point, dumbass!" I complain. "Go with your friends. Let me go, Kat" I then demand.

"Fine, fine..." He mumbles.

He walks off to his buddies as I wave at them.

"See you in a week!" I scream to the Baku-squad.

The next three days are S l O w A s f U c K...

Nothing happens at all. It's in moments like this one that you realize how much people do for you.

But the third day in the night, I am sleeping like any normal person at 2 am, when my phone starts ringing. I see it's mom.

Mom 🙈🙉🙊 is calling...

Something must have happened. Maybe she is stuck at work or something. I pick up the phone.

"What the fuck mom, it's 2 a.m., you can't call me like that at fucking two in the fucking morning" I whine.

"Hana. The summer camp got attacked." Her voice is low and her tone his very controlled too. When she is like that, something very serious has happened. It's when she tries to hide her emotions.

"Okay. How is Katsuki? Is he hurt? Or is he okay?" I desperately try to get information about my brother.

"Darling. Your brother was taken."



"What do mean-"

"The villains kidnapped him"

"No..." My voice cracked. My voice fucking cracked as I talked. My voice never cracks.

"Deary, I'm really sorry, but your father and I are still where the students got hospitalized. We are waiting for the heroes to do something. Your cousins are coming to take care of you. They will be here around 8."

"M-mom. Wait." I stutter. Wait, what? I stuttered. I never stutter.

"What is it Hanako?"

"What happened?" My voice is low, deep, and it has lost two octaves. I went in Kurokage mode. I want to do something, to save someone and to kill someone else.

"Darling... They were attacked by the League of Villains. Out of 40 students, one is missing, 15 are injured, 3 are badly injured and 21 are fine – physically, at least. But one... One went missing. Oh my god, I'm sorry, I can't be with you right now. Take care honey, the police is going to ask us questions, I need to go."

And she hangs up.


I can feel anger rising inside of me. I feel powerless. I feel defenceless. I feel overwhelmed. I feel broken. I feel incomplete. I feel sad. I feel everything at once.

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