Chapter 15

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The next day, I send a text to Keigo to ask him to meet up. He can't before next week so I have to wait.

Seven days later, I'm standing in my Kurokage costume, on a rooftop at midnight, waiting for the bird shit to come.

Like usual, he's late as fuck but, hey, what can I say. I asked him while he was busy.

As he lands, I stomp over him.

"Hey you burnt chicken! You could've told me Dabi was planning to attack me!" I yell at him.

"What what slow down baby bird. He attacked you? He told me he only liked you?" He says, clearly unsure of himself. I start punching his chest, even if with those muscles of his, he probably doesn't even feel it.

"Well he told me he wanted me in a creepy way then I attacked him and he tried to kill me" I explain angrily.

"Ah. Sorry baby bird, but I swear I didn't know that!" He defends himself.

I stop punching his chest when I realize it might be true. I calm down and sit on the edge of the roof. I pat the place next to me, silently telling him to sit there.

He does so and leans back, laying on the rooftop. I do the same and we just watch the stars and the moon.

"How is the mission going?" I break the silence.


"Do you know if we have a meeting soon with the Hero Commission?"

"Yes. By the end of December. The League doesn't trust me enough. I'm going to have to prove them I'm worth their time."

"Then do it."

"You don't understand. I have to kill a hero"

Out of shock, I don't answer. I stare at him wide eyed, my mouth open. Even if he can't see me.

"Oh" I manage to say. "Then, don't but make it believable. Or you could kill a hero but in a way that we can make them alive again? I don't know. But you will make it. You can do anything." I try to reassure him.

He smiles sadly. "They made a mess in that city, before I came. you know, they have a lot of people following them." He warns me.

"Well, it's going to be hard but we can do it." I cheer.

Half an hour after, we decide to get to work. So we spend the whole night catching villains and racing between the houses and showing off and trying to take down more villains than the other. Just like children.

Actually, we are still children. I'm barely sixteen, and he never really had a childhood. We both are people who saw the world how it is and who decided to help change it.

By 4am, I realize it's time to go home. If I'm tired in class, I'll tell the teachers I had a nightmare.

Hawks brings me to my new dorm (because of course the staff couldn't let me with the dorm I had) sit on the balcony.

"Well, good night Baby bird, see you. I'll text you when I know more about the meeting. Oh and by the way, I heard that the league has more than a thousand people with them. You should go to the Hero Commission and tell them. Maybe they are going to talk about it in the meeting." And with that he flies off.

I wave at him lazily and grumble under my breath about having too much work.

I go to bed thirty seconds later and immediately fall asleep.


The next day, I have a Hero History lesson with Present Mic (I don't know if it's actually him but let's say it's him) so I decide I'm going to skip. I wear my black sweats and hoodie, a mask on my mouth and nose and pull the hood over my head. I take some weapons too, but not too much. Let's not be excessive.

Under The Mask MHA x OC (Bakugo's sister)Where stories live. Discover now