Bonus Chapter - 1

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"Okay, everyone!" I shout to cover the noise of the conversations around me. I watch all my friends raise their head. Smiling, I explain "Do y'all remember the point of tonight's mission?" Most of them nod but as it was to be expected, Keigo raises his hand, confusion written on his features.

"Wait we have a mission? Tonight? Since when?" He asks.

"Oh, since about two weeks" I state, disappointed. He isn't even forty and he is already losing his memory. At thirty one, it is surprising. "Okay, so, tonight, we are going on an infiltration. Hawks is too noticeable so he will have to stay in the car. Mirko has the same problem with her ears and tail. Azure Flame, Lady Nagant and I will disguise as criminals and get into this meeting." I explain, using our hero names to emphasize that I am speaking seriously.

I hand Kaina and Toya their fake IDs. Tonight, my name will be Sandra Calin, a 'business woman' I created who works in the drug market. Toya will be James McJane, and Kaina will be Fanny Martin, my associates.

We have worked extremely hard for seven month so we could catch this cartel. They sell drugs all over the country and the world. We have recently discovered the boss's name which is Derik Quill and we kind of invited ourselves to this meeting to talk business with him.

We have a whole plan to arrest all of the dealers on place.

We prepare all of our makeup and clothes, ready to become someone else for the night, hopefully for the last time. I put on an orange tight dress (which I would never do on any other circumstances) and pink high heels and a lot of (fake) gold jewellery. I wear a blond wig to hide my brown hair. I put on green lens. Even after four years of wearing lens every now and then, it is still a pain. I put on a pink lipstick, fake eyelashes and a lot of makeup all over my face.

After thirty minutes of preparation, I have become another person. I am someone else. It always feels weird looking at the mirror and see this woman, Sandra. She is a criminal after all, even though I invented her myself.

I return the headquarters. James and Fanny are there, too. James is tall (just like Toya, of course) with midnight blue long straight hair. His skin is light blue but still demands a lot of makeup, we are going to end broke if we keep doing that. Fanny is a medium sized woman with afro curly hair and black skin. That's also a lot of makeup...

The Night Blades and I head to the enemy's HQ. Keigo is our chauffeur for the night, so he sits in the driver seat and drop us off near the entrance. He then leaves to go to park the car.

We present our IDs while looking very serious and rich.

All three of us walk past the doors, me leading the way. I swing my hips from left to right and I take off my sunglasses, despite the fact that it is over eleven pm. I need to look confident. I head to the biggest table and tap Derik's shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir?" I ask in my perfect half innocent half assertive voice. My now green eyes shine under the artificial light. The man turns around and smiles at my sight.

"What do you want Sandra?" We are on first name basis; he trusts me enough.

"You said we would have time to discuss about our... Agreement" I whisper the last word in his ear. I need to keep him there. I see Kaina going to the kitchen in the corner of my eye. I place myself in front of the man so he can't notice Lady Nagant entering a forbidden part of the building. I must keep him occupied as long as necessary for Kaina to put some laxatives in the food and for Toya to accidentally leave a chemical mute bomb in the bathroom. If everything happens as planned, anyone who eats the aperitives will immediately go to the bathroom and faint as soon as they breathe the sedatives. Rumi and Keigo are going to wear a gas mask so they will stay in the men bathroom (Nagant and I are the only women) and catch the sleeping criminals and arrest them.

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