Chapter 7

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All Might! He's here!

In less than five second, the wall explodes and all the league members are on the floor. Katsuki and I run to the heroes.

Then we look at each other before hugging. When we pull apart, I feel something sticky in my throat.

I start to cough and so does Kat. A black thing falls out of our mouth and the next second, I'm on a destroyed floor, in another part of the city.

I hear a grunt next to me and I guess immediately that Katsuki came here too. I stand up quickly as I spot villains everywhere. My brother position himself so we are back to back in a fighting stance.

The villains attack and try to harm us. Never. I'm never going to let them hurt my brother. We end up side to side, all the villains in front of us. A knife slash the air and I catch it, just in front of Katsuki's chest. The bitch really tried to kill him! Damn!

I throw her knife back at her. She can't dodge as the weapon get itself right into her arm. She cries in pain.

Katsuki and all the villains look at me with an odd look. I shrug it off and ready myself again, thinking of a way of escaping. While we were fighting, All Might came and started to fight a gut named All for One.

An ice pillar shoot out of no where. Then...


Katsuki doesn't lose his time. He catches my waist and shoot us up the sky toward our friend. The Class A students came to save us.

There hands grab onto each other.

I smile at Kirishima. But his face only show fear and shock. I look down to see All for One shooting black things at us while All Might is away. I react as fast as I can. I take the only weapon I have left on me: the bomb.

I throw it to him. Three seconds later, it explodes. The villain is sent back and he falls on the ground. It seems like he blacked out. All Might arrives and punches him as he wakes up. His weaken body is half destroyed and he looks like a skeleton. I stare I shock as my idol, the number one hero, wins the fight.

We land in a street. Deku gives us distance, Kirishima comes to hug us and Iida asks us stupid questions.

I am currently sitting on the ground, staring at a screen up a building. All Might is giving his all, fighting with all his might against the villain who recovered quickly from the bomb. Eventually, All Might lands a last punch on All For One's face and he blacks out.

"The next... It's you!"

What does that mean? Deku seems affected. He always has been a sensitive bitch. Soon after that, Kirishima leads us to a police station.

We get asked questions about the situation and about the villain. After answering them, we get to wait for our parents.

"Why were you here?" Kat suddenly asks.

"I-I... They kidnapped me. They tried at home but I fought back and ran to the mall. They still got me, in the end." I state. He just hums.

"What did that burnt guy do to you? I heard you yelling and screaming." He's clearly worried. How sweet for the Great Bakugo Katsuki.

"He... Tried some... Things..." I started slowly. I don't want to say that he tries to kiss me. Or even more.

"What kind of things, dumbass?" He yells angrily. He probably already knows the answer, why does he ask that?

"Well... He tries to kiss me. But I didn't let him actually do it. I pushed him of and when he pinned me to the door, the others called him so while he was distracted I escaped" I explain.

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