Chapter 16

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A week later, I am totally ready for the sparring session with class A. I worked my ass of on new techniques and I know all of their weaknesses.

That's a lie. I didn't work out at all, I was too tired because of my midnight escaping.

So no, yeah, I didn't improve.

I stand next to All Might as he explain that we are going to spare, and all.

"Great  you all can wear your hero costumes, Hanako, you're going to be in your PE uniform." He finished.

The students all mumble some 'yes sir' or 'okay'.

I head to the girls' changing room. I'm stressed as fuck.

While we are in the changing room, I feel uneasy. I have some nasty scars. So I take my clothes and head to the bathroom. I change quickly before returning, all ready, with the others.

I nearly choke as I notice Yaomomo's costume. She's showing so much skin ! Then I look at a brunette whose costume is all pink and cute. Then the girl who sometimes hang out with the Bakusquad, Jiro, I think. Hers is so stylish.

Mina is, well, Mina. Then a frog girl who's wearing some weird green costume. I don't like frogs. Kat is even afraid of them.

Eventually I try to find the last girl but I can't spot her... Wait! There! There are floating gloves and boots. Oh my god, that's the invisible girl! Is she naked?

We all head out, Mina being obviously way too close to me. As we arrive, all the boys are already there, waiting for us.

I quickly spot the Bakusquad so I walk up them. Katsuki has very, Katsuki-ish clothes while Kirishima's is very... Manly, like he would say? He doesn't even have a shirt. Considering his quirk, it's okay, I mean but it's still weird.

In the corner of my vision, I see the brunette talking with a really robot like guy and a boy who looks like a bunny... Wait is that Deku? I turn back to Katsuki as fast as I recognize him. I don't like him at all.

All Might turns to us and explain how it's going to work. One group sparing at a time. He chooses them. The others wait on the benches. It's going to be a tournament. The winner gains an A. Since it's winter, there are a lot of missing people : Shoji is sick, Aoyama is in France, Sato got a stomachache because he ate too much cake and Mineta got suspended because he looked under sole girl's skirt. And Iida is at a class rep meeting.

Katsuki VS Kirishima
Kaminari VS Sero
Mina VS Momo
Deku VS Todoroki
Uraraka VS Asui
Toru VS Ojiro
Koda VS Tokoyami
Jiro VS Bakugo

It's going to be perfectly alright. I'm not against Katsuki, I'm not against Todoroki... I think I couldn't beat him even giving it my all. He is way too hot. It shouldn't be even legal.

As told, we all sit on the benches as my brother and his boyfriend get ready. Once they get into fighting stance, my whole attention goes to them.

Suddenly, All Might give them the top. They jump at each other, Katsuki with a scowl on his face.

Kirishima's hard body doesn't even move when it receive an explosion. But Katsuki quickly adapts to the situation and attack the weak points of his boyfriend.

He aim at the neck, the stomach, the wrist, anywhere. In the end, Kat is almost out of the bounds, his feet at the edge of stepping off when he lunges himself up and behind the redhead.

He set off an explosion in his unprotected back, sending the poor Kiri out of the bounds and on the ground.

Immediately after this, my brother runs to his sides, putting a hand on his shoulder and asking if he is alright. The poor injured boy just lift his thumb.

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